Sri Dasam Granth

Page - 576

ਹਮਕੇ ॥
hamake |

ਝੜਕੇ ॥
jharrake |

ਛਟਕੇ ॥੨੪੭॥
chhattake |247|

The echoes are being heard and the arrows are being shot.247.

ਸਗਾਜੈ ॥
sagaajai |

ਸਸਾਜੈ ॥
sasaajai |

ਨ ਭਾਜੈ ॥
n bhaajai |

ਬਿਰਾਜੈ ॥੨੪੮॥
biraajai |248|

The embellished warriors are thundering and are not running away.248.

ਨਿਖੰਗੀ ॥
nikhangee |

ਖਤੰਗੀ ॥
khatangee |

ਸੁਰੰਗੀ ॥
surangee |

ਭਿੜੰਗੀ ॥੨੪੯॥
bhirrangee |249|

Taking up their bows, arrows and quivers, the charming warriors are fighting.249.

ਤਮਕੈ ॥
tamakai |

ਪਲਕੈ ॥
palakai |

ਹਸਕੈ ॥
hasakai |

ਪ੍ਰਧਕੈ ॥੨੫੦॥
pradhakai |250|

With the winking of their eyelids, the warriors are getting angry and giving jolts to one another while laughing.250.

ਸੁ ਬੀਰੰ ॥
su beeran |

ਸੁ ਧੀਰੰ ॥
su dheeran |

ਪ੍ਰਹੀਰੰ ॥
praheeran |

ਤਤੀਰੰ ॥੨੫੧॥
tateeran |251|

The charming warriors are discharging their arrows patiently.251.

ਪਲਟੈ ॥
palattai |

ਬਿਲਟੈ ॥
bilattai |

ਨ ਛੁਟੈ ॥
n chhuttai |

ਉਪਟੈ ॥੨੫੨॥
aupattai |252|

The warriors are fighting in retaliation and are grappling one another.252.

ਬਬਕੈ ॥
babakai |

ਨ ਥਕੈ ॥
n thakai |

ਧਸਕੈ ॥
dhasakai |

ਝਝਕੈ ॥੨੫੩॥
jhajhakai |253|

The warriors are challenging without getting tired, and they are penetrating forward.253.

ਸਖਗੰ ॥
sakhagan |

ਅਦਗੰ ॥
adagan |

ਅਜਗੰ ॥
ajagan |

ਅਭਗੰ ॥੨੫੪॥
abhagan |254|

The unchoppable warriors are being killed.254.

ਝਮਕੈ ॥
jhamakai |

ਖਿਮਕੈ ॥
khimakai |

ਬਬਕੈ ॥
babakai |

ਉਥਕੈ ॥੨੫੫॥
authakai |255|

The warriors striking blows, are bowing, challenging and getting up again.255.

ਭਗਉਤੀ ਛੰਦ ॥
bhgautee chhand |


ਕਿ ਜੁਟੈਤ ਬੀਰੰ ॥
ki juttait beeran |

ਕਿ ਛੁਟੈਤ ਤੀਰੰ ॥
ki chhuttait teeran |

ਕਿ ਫੁਟੈਤ ਅੰਗੰ ॥
ki futtait angan |

ਕਿ ਜੁਟੈਤ ਜੰਗੰ ॥੨੫੬॥
ki juttait jangan |256|

The arrows are being discharged, the warriors are fighting, the limbs are being split and the war is continuing.256.

ਕਿ ਮਚੈਤ ਸੂਰੰ ॥
ki machait sooran |

ਕਿ ਘੁਮੈਤ ਹੂਰੰ ॥
ki ghumait hooran |

ਕਿ ਬਜੈਤ ਖਗੰ ॥
ki bajait khagan |

ਕਿ ਉਠੈਤ ਅਗੰ ॥੨੫੭॥
ki utthait agan |257|

The warriors are getting excited, the heavenly damsels are roaming and the sparks of fire coming out of the colliding swords.257.

ਕਿ ਫੁਟੇਤਿ ਅੰਗੰ ॥
ki futtet angan |

ਕਿ ਰੁਝੇਤਿ ਜੰਗੰ ॥
ki rujhet jangan |

ਕਿ ਨਚੇਤਿ ਤਾਜੀ ॥
ki nachet taajee |

ਕਿ ਗਜੇਤਿ ਗਾਜੀ ॥੨੫੮॥
ki gajet gaajee |258|

The limbs are being splitted, all are absorbed in the war, the horses are dancing and the warriors are thundering.258.

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