Bairam Khan, Bahadur Khan,
Balwand Khan and Rustam Khan etc
The big wise giants came and left in anger
Taking with a lot of army. 203.
Hasan Khan, Hussain Khan,
Muhammad Khan with a large army,
Shams Khan and Samsro Khan (including)
He went on grinding his teeth. 204.
(They) shot arrows as soon as they came.
(They) wanted to kill Maha Kala.
Maha Kaal saw the moving arrows
And would cut (them) into thousands and throw them on the ground. 205.
Maha Kaal became very angry and shot countless arrows
He broke (those arrows) a hundred hundred ('Sat, Sat') and threw them on the ground.
He (Maha Kal) then shot one arrow at a time
(With which many) Pathans fell on the ground. 206.
(He) cut Nihang Khan into two parts
And Jhrajhar Khan also shot a lot of arrows.
Then Bharang Khan was killed in the battlefield
Seeing thousands of Charans and Siddhas. 207.
Killed Nahar Khan and Garat Khan
and took off Balwand Khan's head.
Sher Khan was cut off from Lak ('Kati').
And beat Bairam Khan by his hair. 208.
Then Bahadur Khan got angry and got angry
Then he shot many arrows.
Maha Kala got angry and shot arrows.
(He) thought how long he fought, (finally) fell. 209.
Thus killing the Pathani army,
But no fear yet arose in the Mughal army.
Many heroes were killed in one stroke.
(He used to die like this) as if Indra had killed the likes of the mountains. 210.
Bairam Beg killed the Mughal
And Yusuf Khan was killed.
Tahir Beg remained (for some time) in the war zone,
But then he fell after fighting for two hours. 211.
Then he got angry and killed Nuram Beg
And later burnt Adil Beg.
(Thus) the malech army became afraid
And no one could hold the weapon in his hand. 212.
The Pathans fled and the Mughals also fled.
(After this) Sayyads came from ten directions.
(Then) Pathans returned sad
And then they started tinkering with bows. 213.
Hussain Khan fought as soon as he came
And Hasan Khan was killed in front.
Then Muhammad Khan was killed in a fight.
(It looked like this) as if a kite had fallen on the lamp. 214.