Sri Dasam Granth

Page - 164

ਜਬੈ ਜੰਗ ਹਾਰਿਯੋ ਕੀਯੋ ਬਿਸਨ ਮੰਤ੍ਰੰ ॥
jabai jang haariyo keeyo bisan mantran |

ਭਯੋ ਅੰਤ੍ਰਧ੍ਯਾਨੰ ਕਰਿਯੋ ਜਾਨੁ ਤੰਤੰ ॥
bhayo antradhayaanan kariyo jaan tantan |

The gods were defeated in the war and Vishnu, thinking over it disappeared, with the help of Tantric science.

ਮਹਾ ਮੋਹਨੀ ਰੂਪ ਧਾਰਿਯੋ ਅਨੂਪੰ ॥
mahaa mohanee roop dhaariyo anoopan |

ਛਕੇ ਦੇਖਿ ਦੋਊ ਦਿਤਿਯਾਦਿਤਿ ਭੂਪੰ ॥੨੦॥
chhake dekh doaoo ditiyaadit bhoopan |20|

Then he manifested himself in the unique form of Maha-Mohini, seeing whom, the chief of the demons and gods were highly pleased.20.

ਇਤਿ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਬਚਿਤ੍ਰ ਨਾਟਕ ਗ੍ਰੰਥੇ ਨਰ ਨਾਰਾਇਣ ਅਵਤਾਰ ਚਤੁਰਥ ਸੰਪੂਰਨੰ ॥੪॥
eit sree bachitr naattak granthe nar naaraaein avataar chaturath sanpooranan |4|

End of the description of the third incarnation of NAR and the fourth incarnation of NARAYAN in BACHITTAR NATAK.3.4.

ਅਥ ਮਹਾ ਮੋਹਨੀ ਅਵਤਾਰ ਕਥਨੰ ॥
ath mahaa mohanee avataar kathanan |

Now begins the description of Maha Mohini Incarnation:

ਸ੍ਰੀ ਭਗਉਤੀ ਜੀ ਸਹਾਇ ॥
sree bhgautee jee sahaae |

Let Sri Bhagauti Ji (The Primal Lord) be helpful.

ਭੁਜੰਗ ਪ੍ਰਯਾਤ ਛੰਦ ॥
bhujang prayaat chhand |


ਮਹਾ ਮੋਹਨੀ ਰੂਪ ਧਾਰਿਯੋ ਅਪਾਰੰ ॥
mahaa mohanee roop dhaariyo apaaran |

Vishnu transformed himself into form of Maha Mohini

ਰਹੇ ਮੋਹਿ ਕੈ ਦਿਤਿ ਆਦਿਤਿਯਾ ਕੁਮਾਰੰ ॥
rahe mohi kai dit aaditiyaa kumaaran |

Seeing which both and the demons were allured.

ਛਕੇ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਜੋਗੰ ਰਹੇ ਰੀਝ ਸਰਬੰ ॥
chhake prem jogan rahe reejh saraban |

All of them wanted to please her and thought of sharing her love

ਤਜੈ ਸਸਤ੍ਰ ਅਸਤ੍ਰੰ ਦੀਯੋ ਛੋਰ ਗਰਬੰ ॥੧॥
tajai sasatr asatran deeyo chhor garaban |1|

And all abandoned their weapons and also their prride.1.

ਫੰਧੇ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਫਾਧੰ ਭਯੋ ਕੋਪ ਹੀਣੰ ॥
fandhe prem faadhan bhayo kop heenan |

All of them, having been entrapped in her noose of love, forsook their anger,

ਲਗੈ ਨੈਨ ਬੈਨੰ ਧਯੋ ਪਾਨਿ ਪੀਣੰ ॥
lagai nain bainan dhayo paan peenan |

And rushed towards her in order to relish the wantonness of her eyes and the sweetness of her words

ਗਿਰੇ ਝੂੰਮਿ ਭੂਮੰ ਛੁਟੇ ਜਾਨ ਪ੍ਰਾਣੰ ॥
gire jhoonm bhooman chhutte jaan praanan |

All of them, while swinging, fell on the earth as though they were lifeless

ਸਭੈ ਚੇਤ ਹੀਣੰ ਲਗੇ ਜਾਨ ਬਾਣੰ ॥੨॥
sabhai chet heenan lage jaan baanan |2|

All become without consciousness as though they were hit by the arrows.2.

ਲਖੇ ਚੇਤਹੀਣੰ ਭਏ ਸੂਰ ਸਰਬੰ ॥
lakhe chetaheenan bhe soor saraban |

ਛੁਟੇ ਸਸਤ੍ਰ ਅਸਤ੍ਰੰ ਸਭੈ ਅਰਬ ਖਰਬੰ ॥
chhutte sasatr asatran sabhai arab kharaban |

Seeing all of the without consciousness, the weapons and arms were discharged by the gods

ਭਯੋ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਜੋਗੰ ਲਗੇ ਨੈਨ ਐਸੇ ॥
bhayo prem jogan lage nain aaise |

The demons began to die and felt that they were considered worthy of love for Mohini.

ਮਨੋ ਫਾਧਿ ਫਾਧੇ ਮ੍ਰਿਗੀਰਾਜ ਜੈਸੇ ॥੩॥
mano faadh faadhe mrigeeraaj jaise |3|

They appeared like the lion entrapped in a snare.3.

ਜਿਨੈ ਰਤਨ ਬਾਟੇ ਤੁਮਊ ਤਾਹਿ ਜਾਨੋ ॥
jinai ratan baatte tumaoo taeh jaano |

ਕਥਾ ਬ੍ਰਿਧ ਤੇ ਬਾਤ ਥੋਰੀ ਬਖਾਨੋ ॥
kathaa bridh te baat thoree bakhaano |

You know the story of thee distribution of the jewels

ਸਬੈ ਪਾਤਿ ਪਾਤੰ ਬਹਿਠੈ ਸੁ ਬੀਰੰ ॥
sabai paat paatan bahitthai su beeran |

Therefore for fear of the increase in narration, I relate it only in brief

ਕਟੰ ਪੇਚ ਛੋਰੇ ਤਜੇ ਤੇਗ ਤੀਰੰ ॥੪॥
kattan pech chhore taje teg teeran |4|

All the warriors, loosening the waist-garments and forsaking the sword, sat in a line.4.

ਚੌਪਈ ॥
chauapee |


ਸਭ ਜਗ ਕੋ ਜੁ ਧਨੰਤਰਿ ਦੀਆ ॥
sabh jag ko ju dhanantar deea |

ਕਲਪ ਬ੍ਰਿਛੁ ਲਛਮੀ ਕਰਿ ਲੀਆ ॥
kalap brichh lachhamee kar leea |

Dhanwantri was given for the world and the wish-fulfilling tree and Lakshmi were given to gods.

ਸਿਵ ਮਾਹੁਰ ਰੰਭਾ ਸਭ ਲੋਕਨ ॥
siv maahur ranbhaa sabh lokan |

Shiva was given the poison and Rambha, the heavenly damsel, was given to al other people

ਸੁਖ ਕਰਤਾ ਹਰਤਾ ਸਭ ਸੋਕਨ ॥੫॥
sukh karataa harataa sabh sokan |5|

She was the giver of al comforts and the destroyer of the sufferings.5.

ਦੋਹਰਾ ॥
doharaa |


ਸਸਿ ਕ੍ਰਿਸ ਕੇ ਕਰਬੇ ਨਮਿਤ ਮਨਿ ਲਛਮੀ ਕਰਿ ਲੀਨ ॥
sas kris ke karabe namit man lachhamee kar leen |

Maha Mohini took the moon in his own hand for giving it to someone and also the gem and Laksmi for keeping it with herself

ਉਰਿ ਰਾਖੀ ਤਿਹ ਤੇ ਚਮਕ ਪ੍ਰਗਟ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਦੀਨ ॥੬॥
aur raakhee tih te chamak pragatt dikhaaee deen |6|

She concealed the gem and Lakshmi for keeping it with herself

ਗਾਇ ਰਿਖੀਸਨ ਕਉ ਦਈ ਕਹ ਲਉ ਕਰੋ ਬਿਚਾਰ ॥
gaae rikheesan kau dee kah lau karo bichaar |

The wish-fulfilling cow was given to the sages how far can I describe all these things

ਸਾਸਤ੍ਰ ਸੋਧ ਕਬੀਅਨ ਮੁਖਨ ਲੀਜਹੁ ਪੂਛਿ ਸੁਧਾਰ ॥੭॥
saasatr sodh kabeean mukhan leejahu poochh sudhaar |7|

You may improve (their description) by feflecting on the Shastras and asking the poets.7.

ਭੁਜੰਗ ਪ੍ਰਯਾਤ ਛੰਦ ॥
bhujang prayaat chhand |


ਰਹੇ ਰੀਝ ਐਸੇ ਸਬੈ ਦੇਵ ਦਾਨੰ ॥
rahe reejh aaise sabai dev daanan |

ਮ੍ਰਿਗੀ ਰਾਜ ਜੈਸੇ ਸੁਨੇ ਨਾਦ ਕਾਨੰ ॥
mrigee raaj jaise sune naad kaanan |

Both the gods and demons were swinging like the king or deer, who gets absorbed in the sound of music.

ਬਟੇ ਰਤਨ ਸਰਬੰ ਗਈ ਛੂਟ ਰਾਰੰ ॥
batte ratan saraban gee chhoott raaran |

ਧਰਿਯੋ ਐਸ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਬਿਸਨੁ ਪੰਚਮ ਵਤਾਰੰ ॥੮॥
dhariyo aais sree bisan pancham vataaran |8|

All the jewels were distributed and the dispute ended in this way, the fifth incarnation of the Vishnu became apparent.8.

ਇਤਿ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਬਚਿਤ੍ਰ ਨਾਟਕੇ ਗ੍ਰੰਥੇ ਮਹਾਮੋਹਨੀ ਪੰਚਮੋ ਅਵਤਾਰ ਸਮਾਪਤਮ ਸਤੁ ਸੁਭਮ ਸਤੁ ॥੫॥
eit sree bachitr naattake granthe mahaamohanee panchamo avataar samaapatam sat subham sat |5|

End of the description of the fifth incarnation MAHA MOHNI in BACHITTAR NATAK.5.

ਅਥ ਬੈਰਾਹ ਅਵਤਾਰ ਕਥਨੰ ॥
ath bairaah avataar kathanan |

Now begins the description of the Boar Incarnation:

ਭੁਜੰਗ ਪ੍ਰਯਾਤ ਛੰਦ ॥
bhujang prayaat chhand |


ਦਯੋ ਬਾਟ ਮਦਿਯੰ ਅਮਦਿਯੰ ਭਗਵਾਨੰ ॥
dayo baatt madiyan amadiyan bhagavaanan |

ਗਏ ਠਾਮ ਠਾਮੰ ਸਬੈ ਦੇਵ ਦਾਨੰ ॥
ge tthaam tthaaman sabai dev daanan |

In this way, the god Vishnu distributed the honey and ambrosia and all gods and demons went away to their places.

ਪੁਨਰ ਦ੍ਰੋਹ ਬਢਿਯੋ ਸੁ ਆਪੰ ਮਝਾਰੰ ॥
punar droh badtiyo su aapan majhaaran |

ਭਜੇ ਦੇਵਤਾ ਦਈਤ ਜਿਤੇ ਜੁਝਾਰੰ ॥੧॥
bhaje devataa deet jite jujhaaran |1|

Again the enmity grew between both of them and the war was waged in which the gods fled and could not withstand the demons.1.

ਹਿਰਿਨ੍ਰਯੋ ਹਿਰਿੰਨਾਛਸੰ ਦੋਇ ਬੀਰੰ ॥
hirinrayo hirinaachhasan doe beeran |

Hiranayaksha and Hiranayakashipu, both the demon brothers,

ਸਬੈ ਲੋਗ ਕੈ ਜੀਤ ਲੀਨੇ ਗਹੀਰੰ ॥
sabai log kai jeet leene gaheeran |

Conquered the tresures of the worlds

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