Say like her beauty, who should say.
Her beauty was known to be unparalleled in the world.
He should be considered like the demon kingdom, the sun and the moon. 3.
twenty four:
When Bhog Mati saw him
(Then) the mind became abode of him after doing salvation.
(He) thought in his mind
And (calling a messenger) said plainly. 4.
O Sakhi! Listen, give me Gul Mihar.
I will cut the poverty of your births. 5.
twenty four:
When Sakhi heard this,
(Then) she immediately ran to him.
Explained to him in many ways
And came and gave Priya a love. 6.
He pleases the woman by getting a beautiful friend
She became engrossed in his love and forgot Akbar.7.
That woman thought in her mind to stay with her friend
And leave Akbar's house with some character. 8.
That woman explained to Mitra and said.
Beloved Pass said to reveal (character) in a subtle manner
That I will hide myself under a bridge
And out of there, sir! I will come to your house. 9.
twenty four:
Mitra laughed and said,
How will you come to me?
If Akbar was as bad as bad
Then Yama will send you and me. 10.
(The woman said) Akbar then ki (I will) cheat the trick too.
(I) will take the opportunity to come out and have fun with you.
By kicking that fool in the head
And by showing character, dear! I will come and meet you. 11.
She deliberately slept under the big branch of a poplar tree.
After seeing Akbar and waking up, she did not go forward for leadership.
(When Akbar came, she (the woman) said) I like the shade of this sword very much.
(Therefore) I have been lying down happily and have not woken up from sleep. 12.
If Akbar himself comes and wakes me up by holding my arm
Even so, I will keep sleeping with my shoes on her. 13.
twenty four:
When the king heard this
So she took the shoe and laid it on him.
She (the woman) took the same shoe in her hand
And twenty (shoes) killed Akbar. 14.