Innumerable gods were killed and innumerable ran away in fear.
All (the remaining) gods, meditating on Shiva, went towards Kailash mountain.19.
The demons seized all the abodes and wealth of gods.
They drove them out of the city of gods, the gods then came to live in the city of Shiva.20.
After several days goddess came to take a bath there.
All the gods, according to the prescribed method, made obeisance to her.21.
The gods told the goddess all their occurrences sating that the demon-king Mahishaura had seized all their abodes.
They said, “O mother, Thou mayest do whatever pleasest Thee, we have all come to seek Thy refuge.
“Please get us back our abodes, remove our suffering and make those demons garbles and wealthless. This is a very great task which can only be accomplished by Thee.
“No one beats or talks ill to the dog, only his master is rebuked and censured.”22.
Hearing These words, Chandika was filled with great rage in her mind.
She said, “I shall destroy all the demons, go and abide in the city of Shiva.23.
When the idea of destroying the demons was given by Chandi
The lion, conch and all other weapons and arms came themselves to her.24.
It seemed that Death itself had taken the birth to destroy the demons.
The lion, who causes great suffering to the enemies, became the vehicle of the goddess Chandi.25.
The terrible form of the lion is like an elephant, he is mighty like a big lion.
The hair of the lion are like arrows and appear as trees growing on a yellow mountain.
The back-line of the lion looks like the current of Yamuna on the mountain, and the black hair on his body appear like the black bees on the flower of Ketki.
Various sinewy limbs seem like the action of king Prithy of segregating the mountains from the earth by raising his bow and shootin with all his might.26.
The gong, mace trident, sword, conch, bow and arrows
Alongwith the terrible disc-the godess took all these weapons in her hands they have created the atmosphere like summer’s sun.27.
In fierce rage, Chandika took the weapons in her hands
And near the city of demons, raised the horrible sound of her gong.28.
Hearing the loud voice of the gong, and the lion-demons holding their swords entered the battlefield.
They came furiously in great numbers and began to wage the war.29.
Forty-five padam army of the demons adorned with their four divisions.
Some on the left and some on the right and some warriors with the king.30.
All the army of forty-five padam was divided into ten, fifteen and twenty.
Fifteen on the right, ten of the left, followed by twenty with the king.31.
All those black demons ran and stood before Chandika.
Taking arrows with extended bows, many enemies in great fury attacked the lion.
Protecting herself from all attacks, and challenging all the enemies, Chandika dispelled them.
Just as Arjuna had dispelled the clouds, which came to protect the Khandav forest from being burnt by fire.32.
One of the demons went on a galloping horse with rage
Went before the goddess like the moth before the lamp.33.
That mighty chieftain of the demons took out his sword from the sheath in great ire.
He gave oneblow to Chandi and the second on the head of the lion.
Chandi, protecting herself from all the blows, caught hold of the demon in her might arms and threw him on the ground
Just as the washerman beats the clothes in washing against a wooden plank on the bank of the stream.34.