One day, extremely perturbed, his mother called in a lady.(2)
(He) saw a Raj Kumari
Who selected a girl for the Raja and she requested Raja to marry her.
He was brought to the king's town,
She presented her to the Raja but he did not approve her.(3)
People say, but (the king) did not marry
People pleaded but the Raja did accept her and counted her out of his mind.
That stubborn woman remained stubborn
But, the lady with determination, stayed put out side his door steps.( 4)
Raja Roopeshwar had an enemy; getting furious, he raided him.
He came to know as well and whatever small army he had, he collected.
Beating the drums he commenced his assault and, after assigning his army, he danced his horse.
It looked like the tributaries in thousands running to meet the River Brahamputra.(5)
Countless heroes have emerged from both sides
From both sides braves swarmed and, in fury, shot the arrows.
In the battlefield, big heroes fall with a bang
The dauntless ones would get up again but those cut half with swords were dead beat.(6)
Ghosts are dancing in the wilderness
And jackals and vultures are carrying away the meat.
Fierce warriors are being killed by fighting
And they are living in the heaven using the Apachharas. 7.
Warriors are fighting face to face with arrows and spears like Bajra
And immediately they fall on the earth and go to heaven. 8.
Terrible weapons have gone forth on the battlefield; Who else can stay there?
Many horses, footmen, charioteers, chariots, elephants (in the field) have been slain, who can count them.
Kirpans, saihathis, trishuls, chakras have been piled up (there), how can one bring their (number) to mind.
Those who were killed in the war due to anger, they do not come to the world again. 9.
Carrying shield, mace, axe, belt and terrible tridents
And thousands of (soldiers) have taken out spears, spears, knives, swords, etc.
Saying, 'Life in the world is for four days', the horses move (forward) while dancing.
Warriors full of anger in their hearts bear wounds on their bodies from their enemies (they do not retreat).10.
(The Poet) Siam says, the braves from both sides fought defending themselves with the shields,
The arrows shot out of bows eliminated many young-men from the fights (they died).
Somewhere, the chiefs were lying (dead), and somewhere the crowns and chariots were scattered.
Like the wind some braves were shaking and they were staggering like the clouds.(11)
The warriors are drawn up in rows and are wounded by wheels and guns.
With swords in their hands, they came forward like the shots and the spinners.
The chests of the intrepid were torn apart like the cutting of wood logs by the saws.
The valiant ones were cut from the heads, feet and waist and they fell like the elephants fall in the sea.(12)
In this way (the king) won the battle
The great soldier, after winning the war, marched to his house.
Then that Raj Kumari also heard this
Then the news reached the woman that Raja Roopeshwar had won and was coming back.(13)