The women of Yakshas and Kinnaras were adorned there.
The women of snakes and gandharbas were singing songs. 33.
Thus there (those) seven virgins deceived the king.
This case is over, now another story continues. 34.
Those beauties enjoyed each other with the king
And after considering (the methods of Kok Shastra) he performed many kinds of games. 35.
Here is the conclusion of the 256th charitra of Mantri Bhup Sambad of Tria Charitra of Sri Charitropakhyan, all is auspicious. 256.4827. goes on
twenty four:
Where the town of Puhpavati used to flourish
(There) was a great king named Neel Ketu.
Bachitra Manjari was his wife.
(Suppose) Kam Dev's wife Rati is the incarnation. 1.
His daughter's name was Aligunj Mati
Who had conquered the image of the ray-net of the moon.
His immense brilliance cannot be described.
(It seemed as if) Jagdish had made it himself. 2.
There was a king named Kunwar Tilak Mani.
Raj-pat used to love him.
(Her) incomparable beauty cannot be described.
Even the sun used to get confused by seeing (his) image. 3.
Bijay Chand:
Aligunj Mati came to visit a 'kunj' (meaning garden) with a troop of (her) sakhis (decorated with vines).
(There) seeing the transcendental form of the king, she became enchanted, removing the pain (of her mind).
Seeing her beauty, she was shy in her heart, but still being bold, she continued to fight (with her) eyes.
(She) went home, but the mind remained there, like a lost gambler (the mind in the form of wealth remained there) 4.
(That) Sundari went home and called a Sakhi with a wink.
Gave (him) a lot of money and explained to him in many ways.
Fell at (his) feet, supplicated and laid hands on his arms and made great noises.
Give me a friend, otherwise I will not get one. I have told you what was in my mind. 5.
O Sakhi! I will wake up and spread myself in the bun and take off the ornaments and take vibhuti (smoke ash) feces.
I will decorate my body with saffron cloth and hold a garland in my hand.
will (make) the vessels (vessels, khapar) of the pupils of the eyes, and I will beg (by receiving them as) to see him.
Even if my body does not die and my age decreases, but even in such times (I) will not let go. 6.
On the one hand, crores of peacocks are talking and on the other, cuckoos and crows are crowing.
Frogs (di tran tran) is burning the heart. The fountain of water is falling on the earth from the alternatives.
The locusts pierce the heart and the lightning flashes like a kirpan.
(My) life has been saved by the fact that there is hope for the arrival of the Beloved (but the Beloved) has not yet come.7.
When that sage saw the Kumari very disturbed
Then he laughed and talked to his ear
That now send a cunning messenger to him
And ask Kunwar Tilak Mani for the secret. 8.
(Kumari) was pleased to hear such pleasant talk
And the fire of separation was kindled in Kumari's heart.
A clever Sakhi was called and sent to Mitra.
(And sent saying) O you who know the matter of the heart! Keep my precious treasure (means save) 9.