Have seen Sri Ram,
To see the same fascinated
He, who saw Ram even once, she was completely allured.639.
They are rejoicing in the form of Ram.
(They) have forgotten home.
Ram Chandra taught them knowledge
She forgot the consciousness of all else seeing the beauty of Ram and began to talk to supremely mighty Ram.640.
The speech of Ram addressed to Mandodari :
Oh queen! listen
(In all this) what am I forgetting?
Consider (the whole thing) in the first mind,
“O queen! I have not committed a mistake in killing your husband, think rightly in your mind about it and the blame me.641.
(Now) let me meet Sita
“I should get my Sita back, so that the work of righteousness may move forward
(After this Rama) sent Hanuman (to fetch Sita).
” (Saying in this way) Ram sent Hanuman, she son of wind-god, like an envoy (in advance).642.
(Hanuman) walked swiftly.
After taking Sita's sudh (reached where)
Sita in the garden
Searching for Sita, he reached there, where she was sitting in the garden under a tree.643.
(Hanuman) went and fell on his feet
And (began to say) O Mother Sita! listen,
Ram Ji has killed the enemy