The mighty Krishna killed Putana, who was sent by Kansa
He also killed the enemy named Tranavrata
All should remember Him and the gopas also say that He is very persistent
He fulfils the task, which he takes up in his hand the same Krishna also colled down the power of the clouds.380.
The gopas say that he has established himself in the mind of all on remonving the sufferings of the saints
He is extremely potent, and there is none who can confront him
All repeat His Name, the poet Shyam says, that the Lord (Krishna) is the gretest of all
He, who saw him slightly with his mind, he was assuredly allured by his power and beauty in an instant.381.
The clouds on repenting and the gopas on being pleased went away to their homes
All the gopas gathered in a house,
And said to their wives, “This Krishna, in great rage, caused Indra to run away in an instant
We are telling the truth it is only through His Grace that our sufferings have been destroyed.”382.
(When the lord of all) people (Indra) became angry, having inspired the army (of revenge) with water ('Aab') and brought it (on the bridge).
The gopas said again, “The armies of the clouds of the infuriated Indra showered heavy rain and the Lord (Krishna) carrying the mountains on his hand, stood fearlessly
The great success of that scene has been described by the poet Shyam thus,
The poet Shyam has said about this spectacle that Krishna was standing like a warrior with his shield, not caring for the rain of arrows.383.
The gopas said, “He has removed the suffering of the saints and He abides in the minds of all
He has manifested Himself in an extremely mighty form and there is none to resist Him
All people say that then it consumes (all) and poet Shyam says that God is (the greatest).
He, whose mind was slightly absorbed in Him, he was assuredly allured by his power and beauty.384.
Kahn is Balbir, the great bratdhari, who in anger destroyed Indra's army (thus),
The mighty Krishna caused the army of Indra to run away, just as Shiva had destroyed Jalandhar and the Goddess had annihilated the army of chand and Mund
Indra went back to his home repenting and he lost all his self-respect
Krishna destroyed the clouds like a great celibate, quickly destroying his attachment.385.