After receiving the message, Punnu came there immediately to discuss the marriage proposal.(6)
Shyam (the poet) says, ‘The eyes like a she-deer predominated her looks.
‘As she had won over Kala, the art of Shashi (the Moon), she was named Sassi Kala.(7)
All the people of the town
All the people from the place came. They were playing musical instruments of various types.
All were singing auspicious songs together
In unison, they were singing and appreciating Sassi Kala.(8)
Naad, Nafiri, Kanrre and various other instruments transmitted the
music. All, the old and the young, came (to see her) and none remained back home.(9)
No woman stayed at home.
No damsel stayed behind at home and all were offering tributes to them both.
Which of these is punu?
And one was Punnu whose hands adored a green bow.(10)
The drums and mirdang were being beaten and they were showering bliss in every home.
Musical tunes were flowing in unison, and the village people were coming forward.
Thousands of the trumpets were played and the women, jovially, frolicked around.
They all were blessing that the couple might live for ever.(11)
Seeing the handsomeness of the Raja, the inhabitants were exhilarated.
The men and the women swarmed after getting rid of all their afflictions
Full contentment prevailed and all the friends felt their desires fulfilled.
Coming and going they blessed, ‘Your love with your spouse may prevail for ever.’(12)
Collectively, women sprinkled saffron over the men in the marriage party.
All the men and women were fully gratified and from both sides happy songs were emerging.
Seeing the magnanimity of the Raja, the other rulers were smitten with inferiority complex.
And they all pronounced with one voice, ‘We are sacrifice to the lovely lady and her lover.’(13)
Seven ladies came and applied watna, the beautifying body-lotion, to the suitor.
His sensual body was making them to swoon and ponder,
‘How magnificently he is seated among the Rajas, and is being complimented.
‘He seems like the Moon enthroned amidst his subject of stars.’(14)
‘The conch-shells taken out of the River Sindh are blown sweetly along with the Indra’s trumpets.
‘The sweet waves from the flutes are accompanying the drum-beats of the gods.
‘It is the jovial atmosphere same as the ambience at the winning of war.’
As soon as the marriage took place, the blissful musical instruments showered the melodies.(15)
As soon as the marriage had taken place, news reached the first wed, the principal Rani (of Punnu).
She was astonished and she changed her attitude towards the Raja.
She indulged in magical spell, and wrote mystical anecdotes to straighten the matter,
And performed the spells so that the woman (Sassi) would not appease her husband and (he might) get red of her.(16)
Thus sadness spread over him (Sasiya).
She (Sassi) was discontented, she lost her sleep and her appetite was ruined.
Waking up startled from sleep and nothing looks good.
She would suddenly awake and feel strange and would abandon her home to run out.(l7)