Sri Dasam Granth

Page - 603

ਕ੍ਰੀੜੰਤ ਈਸ ਪੋਅੰਤ ਕਪਾਲ ॥
kreerrant ees poant kapaal |

ਨਿਰਖਤ ਬੀਰ ਛਕਿ ਬਰਤ ਬਾਲ ॥੫੧੪॥
nirakhat beer chhak barat baal |514|

The ghosts, fiends and Baitals danced, the Shiva, engaged in Sport, began to string the rosaries of skulls and the warriors looking at the heavenly damsels covetously, wedded them.514.

ਧਾਵੰਤ ਬੀਰ ਬਾਹੰਤ ਘਾਵ ॥
dhaavant beer baahant ghaav |

ਨਾਚੰਤ ਭੂਤ ਗਾਵੰਤ ਚਾਵ ॥
naachant bhoot gaavant chaav |

The warriors, inflicting wounds are falling upon the opponents and the ghosts are dancing and singing with zeal

ਡਮਕੰਤ ਡਉਰੁ ਨਾਚੰਤ ਈਸ ॥
ddamakant ddaur naachant ees |

ਰੀਝੰਤ ਹਿਮਦ੍ਰਿ ਅੰਤ ਸੀਸ ॥੫੧੫॥
reejhant himadr ant sees |515|

Shiva is dancing while playing on his tabor.515.

ਗੰਧ੍ਰਭ ਸਿਧ ਚਾਰਣ ਪ੍ਰਸਿਧ ॥
gandhrabh sidh chaaran prasidh |

ਕਥੰਤ ਕਾਬਿ ਸੋਭੰਤ ਸਿਧ ॥
kathant kaab sobhant sidh |

The famous Gandharvas, the minstrels and adepts are composing poems in appreciation of war

ਗਾਵੰਤ ਬੀਨ ਬੀਨਾ ਬਜੰਤ ॥
gaavant been beenaa bajant |

ਰੀਝੰਤ ਦੇਵ ਮੁਨਿ ਮਨਿ ਡੁਲੰਤ ॥੫੧੬॥
reejhant dev mun man ddulant |516|

The gods playing their lyres, are pleasing the mind of sages.516.

ਗੁੰਜਤ ਗਜਿੰਦ੍ਰ ਹੈਵਰ ਅਸੰਖ ॥
gunjat gajindr haivar asankh |

ਬੁਲਤ ਸੁਬਾਹ ਮਾਰੂ ਬਜੰਤ ॥
bulat subaah maaroo bajant |

There is sound of innumerable elephants and horses and the drums of war are being played

ਉਠੰਤ ਨਾਦ ਪੂਰਤ ਦਿਸਾਣੰ ॥
autthant naad poorat disaanan |

ਡੁਲਤ ਮਹੇਾਂਦ੍ਰ ਮਹਿ ਧਰ ਮਹਾਣੰ ॥੫੧੭॥
ddulat maheaandr meh dhar mahaanan |517|

The sound is spreading in all the directions and the Sheshnaga is wavering on felling the loss of Dharma.517.

ਖੁਲੰਤ ਖੇਤਿ ਖੂਨੀ ਖਤੰਗ ॥
khulant khet khoonee khatang |

ਛੁਟੰਤ ਬਾਣ ਜੁਟੇ ਨਿਸੰਗ ॥
chhuttant baan jutte nisang |

The bloody swords have been drawn in the battlefield and the arrows are being discharged fearlessly

ਭਿਦੰਤ ਮਰਮ ਜੁਝਤ ਸੁਬਾਹ ॥
bhidant maram jujhat subaah |

ਘੁਮੰਤ ਗੈਣਿ ਅਛ੍ਰੀ ਉਛਾਹ ॥੫੧੮॥
ghumant gain achhree uchhaah |518|

The warriors are fighting and their secret parts are touching each other, the heavenly damsels are roaming in the sky enthusiastically.518.

ਸਰਖੰਤ ਸੇਲ ਬਰਖੰਤ ਬਾਣ ॥
sarakhant sel barakhant baan |

ਹਰਖੰਤ ਹੂਰ ਪਰਖੰਤ ਜੁਆਣ ॥
harakhant hoor parakhant juaan |

There are showers of lances and arrows and seeing the warriors, the heavenly damsels are getting pleased

ਬਾਜੰਤ ਢੋਲ ਡਉਰੂ ਕਰਾਲ ॥
baajant dtol ddauroo karaal |

ਨਾਚੰਤ ਭੂਤ ਭੈਰੋ ਕਪਾਲਿ ॥੫੧੯॥
naachant bhoot bhairo kapaal |519|

The drums and dreadful tabors are being and the ghosts and Bhairavas are dancing.519.

ਹਰੜੰਤ ਹਥ ਖਰੜੰਤ ਖੋਲ ॥
hararrant hath khararrant khol |

ਟਿਰੜੰਤ ਟੀਕ ਝਿਰੜੰਤ ਝੋਲ ॥
ttirarrant tteek jhirarrant jhol |

The knocking sound of the sheaths and the clattering of swords is being heard

ਦਰੜੰਤ ਦੀਹ ਦਾਨੋ ਦੁਰੰਤ ॥
dararrant deeh daano durant |

ਹਰੜੰਤ ਹਾਸ ਹਸਤ ਮਹੰਤ ॥੫੨੦॥
hararrant haas hasat mahant |520|

The terrible demons are being crushed and the ganas and others are laughing loudly.520.

ਉਤਭੁਜ ਛੰਦ ॥
autabhuj chhand |


ਹਹਾਸੰ ਕਪਾਲੰ ॥
hahaasan kapaalan |

ਸੁ ਬਾਸੰ ਛਤਾਲੰ ॥
su baasan chhataalan |

ਪ੍ਰਭਾਸੰ ਜ੍ਵਾਲੰ ॥
prabhaasan jvaalan |

ਅਨਾਸੰ ਕਰਾਲੰ ॥੫੨੧॥
anaasan karaalan |521|

The Kalki incarnation like Shiva, giver of happiness to all, mounting on his Bull, remained stable in the battlefield like the dreadful fires.521.

ਮਹਾ ਰੂਪ ਧਾਰੇ ॥
mahaa roop dhaare |

ਦੁਰੰ ਦੁਖ ਤਾਰੇ ॥
duran dukh taare |

He, assuming his great benign form, was destroying the afflicting agonies

ਸਰੰਨੀ ਉਧਾਰੇ ॥
saranee udhaare |

ਅਘੀ ਪਾਪ ਵਾਰੇ ॥੫੨੨॥
aghee paap vaare |522|

He was redeeming those who had taken shelter and was removing th effect of sin of the sinners.522.

ਦਿਪੈ ਜੋਤਿ ਜ੍ਵਾਲਾ ॥
dipai jot jvaalaa |

ਕਿਧੌ ਜ੍ਵਾਲ ਮਾਲਾ ॥
kidhau jvaal maalaa |

He was unfolding brilliance like the fire or the roasary of fire

ਮਨੋ ਜ੍ਵਾਲ ਬਾਲਾ ॥
mano jvaal baalaa |

ਸਰੂਪੰ ਕਰਾਲਾ ॥੫੨੩॥
saroopan karaalaa |523|

His dreadful form was radiating brightness like fire.523.

ਧਰੇ ਖਗ ਪਾਣੰ ॥
dhare khag paanan |

ਤਿਹੂੰ ਲੋਗ ਮਾਣੰ ॥
tihoon log maanan |

ਦਯੰ ਦੀਹ ਦਾਨੰ ॥
dayan deeh daanan |

ਭਰੇ ਸਉਜ ਮਾਨੰ ॥੫੨੪॥
bhare sauj maanan |524|

The Lord of all the three worlds took his dagger in his hand and in his pleasure, he destroyed the demons.524.

ਅਜੰਨ ਛੰਦ ॥
ajan chhand |


ਅਜੀਤੇ ਜੀਤ ਜੀਤ ਕੈ ॥
ajeete jeet jeet kai |

ਅਭੀਰੀ ਭਾਜੇ ਭੀਰ ਹ੍ਵੈ ॥
abheeree bhaaje bheer hvai |

Conquering the invincible people and causing the warriors to run away like cowards and

ਸਿਧਾਰੇ ਚੀਨ ਰਾਜ ਪੈ ॥
sidhaare cheen raaj pai |

ਸਥੋਈ ਸਰਬ ਸਾਥ ਕੈ ॥੫੨੫॥
sathoee sarab saath kai |525|

taking all his allies with him, he reached the kingdom of China.525.

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