(She) fell in love with Raj Kumar.
Night and day she went to his palace,
But Raj Kumar did not bring him to Chit. 3.
By doing this (she) the woman was very sad.
(He) considered many characters in his mind.
Then he thought (in mind).
And wore the disguise of Jog on his body. 4.
Jog went to his house in disguise.
He started teaching many mantras.
(That jogi) stole Raj Kumar's picture
And grabbed all the wealth of another house. 5.
One day he (Raj Kumar) started saying
That the Jogis also know how to raise the dead ('savahi').
One day (you) go alone with me
And see Kautaka well. 6.
(Raj Kumar began to think that) So far I have not seen with my eyes the 'masan' (dead) awake (i.e. rise).
Now, having made love to Jogi, I will also see him, (like this) began to say. ॥7॥
twenty four:
When dark midnight struck,
So Rajkumar thought like this,
I will go with Jogi alone
And seeing 'Masan' while getting up, I will come home. 8.
He went with Jogi
And could not understand about the character of the woman.
He went alone with him
And he did not take any weapon or weapon in his hand. 9.
When both reached the dense bun,
Where there was no third man.
Then Abla said thus,
Hey Kunwar Ji! Listen to me. 10.
The woman said:
O fool! Either give up hope of mortals
Or join me with interest.
Or I will cut you into seven pieces,
Or act like a man with me. 11.
Raj Kumar then got very scared
And had sexual intercourse with that woman.
He was tricked by this trick
And played sexual games with Biragi Rai. 12.
No one has found the end of women.
Vidhata also regretted making (them).
Who created this whole world,
He has also failed to recognize the secret of a woman. 13.
Here is the conclusion of the 312th charitra of Mantri Bhup Sambad of Tria Charitra of Sri Charitropakhyan, all is auspicious.312.5949. goes on
twenty four:
A king named Swaran Sen has heard,
In whose house there were eight hundred women.