What form of spirit is this?
“What is this Soul Entity? Which hath indelible glory and which is of queer substance.”2.127.
The Higher Soul said:
“This Soul is itself Brahman
” Who is of Everlasting Glory and is Unmanisfested and Desireless.
Who is indiscriminate, actionless and deathless
Who hath no enemy and friend and is Merciful towards all.3.1228.
It is neither drowned nor soaked
It can neither be chopped nor burnt.
It cannot be assailed by the blow of weapon
It hath neither an enemy nor a friend, neither caste not lineage.4.129.
(May) millions of enemies (jointly attack him) by hundreds,
By the blow of thousands of enemies, It is neither wasted away nor fragmented.
(Which) does not burn as much as a rat in the fire,
It is not burnt even in the fire. It is neither drowned in the sea nor soaked by the air.5.130.
The spirit then asked a question,
Then the Soul questioned the Lord thus : “O Lord! Thou art Invincible, Intuitive and Indiscriminate Entity
“This world mentions four categories of Charities
Which are these categories, tell me Graciously.”6.131.
One is political discipline, one is ascetic’s discipline
One is householder’s discipline, one is ascetic’s discipline.
All the world knows this one of four categories
That Soul makes enquiries from the Lord.7.132.
One is political discipline and one is religious discipline
One is householder’s discipline, one is ascetic’s discipline .
Tell me Graciously Thy thoughts about all the four:
And also tell me their originators in long ages in three epochs.8.133.
Describe to me the first discipline
How this religious discipline was observed by the kings.
In Satyuga charities were given by performing virtuous actions
Indescribable charities of lands etc , were given.9.134.
The kings of the three ages cannot be described,
It is difficult to describe the king of three ages, their story is endless and the Praise indescribable.
(They) performed the yagya in the world
By performing sacrifices, the religious discipline unlimited action.10.135.
Those who became kings before Kali Yuga
The kings that reigned before Kaliyuga, in the Jambu Dvipa in the Bharat Khand.
By your strength I describe their ('Triana') glory.
I describe them with Thy Strength and Glory, The king Yadhishtra was the unblemished Sustainer of the earth.11.136.
(He) refuted the indivisible (kings) into four parts
He (Yadhishtra) broke the unbreakable ones in the four khands (regions), He destroyed the Kauravas with great might in the war of Kurukshetra.
Who won the four directions twice
He conquered twice all the four directions. The mighty warriors like Arjuna and Bhim were his brothers.12.137.
(He) sent Arjan (to win) the north direction
He sent Arjuna toward the North for conquest, Bhim went for conquest to the east.
Sahadev was sent to the south country
Sahdev was sent to the country in the South, Nakul was sent to the West.13.138.
(All these) gave masal ('mande') to the kings and tore the umbrellas to pieces,