Bikramajit sent for Madhavanal.
Bikrim called Madhwan and asked him respectfully to be seated.
(Madhwan said) ‘Whatever the Brahmin priest orders,
I will abide by, even I may have to fight,’(39)
When Madhwan told the whole story,
Bikrim called all his army.
Arming themselves and putting the armour
They commenced march to the direction of Kamwati.(40)
He sent his emissary to (Raja) Kam Sen to give him the message,
‘To save your country, you handover Kaamkandla.’(41)
A messenger came to the city of Kamvati.
Kamwati learned what the emissary had conveyed to Kam Sen.
(What) Bikram had said, told him.
The message from Bikrim had distressed the Raja.(42)
(Raja,) ‘Moon may shine during the day and sun may come at the night,
‘But I will not be able to give Kamkandla away.’(43)
The angel said:
Bhujang Chhand
(The emissary,) ‘Listen Raja, what magnificence is there in Kaamkandla,
‘That you are protecting her tied to your own self,
‘Beeding to my advice, don’t keep her with you,
‘And by sending her away, protect your honour.(44)
Our army is stubborn, you know that.
‘We persist and you must recognise, as our potency is known in all the four directions (of the world).’
Whom the gods and demons call strong.
Why do you want to stop (him) and fight with him. 45.
When the angel said these kind words
The drums started to beat war cries when the emissary spoke harshly.
The obstinate Raja pronounced the declaration of war and
Determined to cut Bikrim into pieces.(46)
He went up with an army of mighty warriors,
Taking with him the brave Khandelas, Baghelas and Pandheras, he raided,
Gharwar, Chauhan, Gehlot etc. great warriors (included)
And he had in his army Raharwars, Chohans and Ghalauts, who had taken part in great fighting.(47)
(When) Bikramajit heard, he called all the warriors.
When jikrim heard the news, he collected all the intrepid ones.
They both fought valiantly,
And amalgamated like river Jamuna and Gang.(48)
Somewhere warriors are running with swords drawn.
Somewhere they save their time on shields.
Sometimes they generate heat by playing on shields and shields.
(From them) a loud noise is raised and sparks are coming out. 49.
Somewhere there are roars, thunder and shells
And somewhere crescent shaped arrows are being released.