Your sons, taking the warriors with them, hit that sage with their legs.83.
Then the sage with a great mind
(And from his eyes) flame came out
Then the meditation of that great sage was shattered and a huge fire came out of his eyes.84.
(Then) the angel said thus
That there (your) son
are burnt along with the army,
The messenger told, “O king Sagar! in this way all your sons were burnt and reduced to ashes alongwith their army and not even one of them survived.”85.
After hearing the death of Raj sons
The whole town became sad.
Where are the people
Hearing about the destruction of his sons, the whole city was steeped in sorrow and all the people here and there were filled with anguish.86.
(In the end Sagar Raja) 'Shiva Shiva' Bachan Simar K
And by stopping the tears of the eyes
Patience in Chit
All of them, remembering Shiva, withholding their tears assumed patience in their minds with the holy saying of the sages.87.
(He) of those (sons)
deceased karma
And according to the Vedic tradition
Then the king performed the last funeral rites of all affectionately according to Vedic injunctions.88.
Then in the mourning of the sons
The king went to heaven.
(of this kind) who became (other) kings,
In his extreme sorrow on the demise of his sons, the king left for heaven and after him, there were several other kings, who can describe them?89.
End of the description of Vyas, the incrnation of Brahma and the rule of king Prithu in Bachittar Natak.
Now begins the description about king Yayati
Then Yayati (Jujati) became the king
(who had) supernatural splendor.
of fourteen faculties
Then there was a most glorious king Yayati, whose fame had spread in the fourteen worlds.90.
Her nans were beautiful,
As if in the form of Kamadeva.
(He) with immense splendor
His eyes were charming and his form of enormous glory was like the god of love.91.
(That) beautiful beauty
And there was a king in form.
(He) the Gayata of the Fourteen Vidyas
The fourteen worlds had received brilliance from the glory of his charming elegance.92.
(He) of immense qualities,
was handsome and generous.
The knower of the fourteen sciences
That generous king had innumerable qualities and had skill in fourteen science.93.
Dhan was brilliant in wealth and (many kinds of) qualities,
Submission to the Lord (accepted)
And that prince immense
That beautiful king was most glorious, capable, expert in qualities and had faith in God.94.
(He) was a pure scholar of the Shastras.
Was furious during the war.
(Thus) Ben (named) became king,
The king had knowledge of Shastras, he was extremely furious in war, he was the fulfiller of all wishes like Kamadhenu, the wish-fulfilling cow.95.
(He) was a bloodthirsty swordsman,
was an unflinching warrior,
There was an unbreakable umbrella
The king with his bloody dagger was and invincible, complete, furious and powerful warrior.96.
(He) was a call for enemies
And (always) drew the sword (to kill them).
(His) brightness was like the sun,
When he drew his sword, he was like KAL (death) for his enemies, and his magnificence was like the fires of the sun.97.
When he was engaged in war
So (from the battlefield) the limb does not turn.
Many enemies fled,
When he fought, none of his limbs turned back, none of his enemies could stand before him and thus ran away.98.
The sun trembled (from his glory),
The directions fluctuated.
The sun trembled before him, the directions shivered, the opponents stood with bowed heads and would run away in anxiety.99.
Bir was trembling,
The cowards were fleeing,
The country was leaving.
The warriors trembled, the cowards fled and the kings of various countries would break before him like thread.100.