Who passed through twenty youths (i.e. crossed) 11.
He then drew the bow and shot the arrow.
Only then twenty horses were killed.
They lost their lives at once.
(It looked like this) as if the towers had fallen. 12.
(He) attacked a third time.
He released the arrow and was not afraid at all.
Killed thirty warriors at once.
(It appears) as if the wind has swept the letters. 13.
When the woman used to shoot an arrow
Then twenty or thirty youths used to throw on the ground.
A smart horse was run by a smart woman like this
That the body cannot get a single wound. 14.
It is as if a weaver (weaver) moves at high speed in the water.
Or as if lightning were shining in the alternative.
Twenty warriors fell with one arrow.
They were not wearing armor and neither was the glory of armor. 15.
Then, in anger, the woman shot an arrow.
That arrow passed through twenty horses.
The agonized warriors fell unconscious on the ground.
(It looked like this) as if they had not come into the world, or had not been born by mothers. 16.
When that woman killed a thousand warriors
Seeing him, Chandra Bhan was filled with anger.
(He) whipped the horse and made it run fast.
But the woman did not kill him, she killed the horse with an arrow. 17.
The woman conquered the warriors
And gave knots ('Bukcha') on the heads of all the warriors.
From where they had brought money, they left there.
That woman fought bravely by showing character. 18.
(He) took a horse from the house and gave it to him
And made Chandra Bhan Jatu his own.
He immediately abandoned the thief Birti
And became engrossed in the chanting of Sri Krishna (Lord). 19.
After defeating Chandra Bhan, she went from there
And where her husband was, there she went happily. 20.
twenty four:
That woman worked very hard.
(He) conquered all enemies.
Then went and met her husband
And the beloved was brought to the motherland. 21.
Here ends the 176th chapter of Mantri Bhup Samvad of Tria Charitra of Sri Charitropakhyan, all is auspicious. 176.3456. goes on
twenty four:
A woman named Man Lata used to listen
Who was proficient in Vedas, Puranas and Shastras etc.
She was said to be the daughter of the great Shah.
Who should he be compared to? 1
Man Lata ordered a big ship.
He kept food and drink in it for many days.
She left her husband's house and went there herself
And took fifty girlfriends with him. 2.
When she went to the sea, she did so.
Then asked for sixty cubits long bamboo.
A big flag ('barrack') was tied to him.
The cloth tied to him was set on fire. 3.
Sea creatures were very surprised to see that fire.
As if a second moon had risen in the ocean.
As the sailor used to sit on it
So the fish used to see Kachch and come along with him. 4.
When the plane moved to 40 km
So the fish and fish etc. all found great happiness in the heart.
(Thought) We will hold and chew this fruit now
And then we will all go to our homes.5.
The fishes and other creatures that went together (with the ship),
Many gems also came (above or on the bank) by their force.
Man Lata then extinguished the fire
And the fish was surprised and began to suffer many kinds of pain. 6.
As they stood there stumbling, the water rose further.
They all lived and suffered greatly.
Then the woman took the beads and gems.