The Lord is One and He can be attained through the grace of the true Guru.
Copy of the manuscript with exclusive signatures of:
The Tenth Sovereign.
The non-temporal Purusha (All-Pervading Lord) is my Protector.
The All-Iron Lord is my Protector.
The All-Destroying Lord is my Protector.
The All-Iron Lord is ever my Protector.
Then the signatures of the Author (Guru Gobind Singh).
I Salute the One Primal Lord.
Who pervades the watery, earthly and heavenly expanse.
That Primal Purusha is Unmanifested and Immortal.
His Light illumines the fourteen worlds. I.
He hath merged Himself within the elephant and the worm.
The king and the baggar equal before Him.
That Non-dual and Imperceptible Purusha is Inseparable.
He reaches the inner core of every heart.2.
He is an Inconceivable Entity, Exernal and Garbless.
He is without attachment, colour, form and mark.
He distinct from all others of various colours and signs.
He is the Primal Purusha, Unique and Changeless.3.
He is without colour, mark, caste and lineage.
He is the without enemy, friend, father and mother.
He is far away from all and closest to all.
His dwelling is within water, on earth and in heavens.4.
He is Limitless Entity and hath infinite celestial strain.
The goddess Durga takes refuge at His Feet and abides there.
Brahma and Vishnu Could not know His end.
The four-headed god Brahma described Him ad ‘Neti Neti’ (Not this, Not this).5.
He hath created millions of Indras and Upindras (smaller Indras).
He hath created and destroyed Brahmas and Rudras (Shivas).
He hath created the play of fourteen worlds.
And then Himself merges it within His Self.6.
Infinite demons, gods and Sheshanagas.
He hath created Gandharvas, Yakshas and being of high character.
The story of past, future and present.
Regarding the inward recesses of every heart are known to Him.7.
He Who hath no father, mother caste and lineage.
He is not imbues with undivided love for anyone of them.
He is merged in all lights (souls).
I have recognized Him within all and visualized Him at all places. 8.
He is deathless and a non-temporal Entity.
He is Imperceptible Purusha, Unmanifested and Unscathed.
He Who is without caste, lineage, mark and colour.
The Unmanifest Lord is Indestructible and ever Stable.9.
He is the Destroyer of all and Creator of all.
He is the Remover of maladies, sufferings and blemishes.
He Who meditates upon Him with single mind even for an instant
He doth not come within the trap of death. 10.
O Lord! Somewhere becoming Conscious, Thou adrnest consciousness , somewhere becoming Carefree, thou sleepest unconsciously.