Some times Raja went across and sometimes she swam over,
She used to create a lot of interest in herself (for the king).
They relished each other and enjoyed sex through different postures.(5)
(She) used to tell the ritual of Kok Shastra
Following the Koka Shastras, they indulged in variant stances.
She used to talk to each other
She luxuriated in cuddling lavishly and then would come back.(6)
In this way both of them used to practice daily
They often proceeded like this and ridded their afflictions.
Kam-Kel was produced in many ways
After pampering in sexual plays, she would swim back the river.(7)
(One day that) woman was coming with joy in her mind.
Then like a wave of the sea (a wave of a river) came to him.8.
Once, fully satisfied, as she was swimming back,
A very high wave m the never drifted her away.(9)
She moved to many corners
Being drifted as such for a number of miles, she touched the bank.
He had a passing glance.
A milk-man came to that place, and screamed to call her.(10)
(She said) ‘Oh, milkman, I am drowning here,
‘Who-so-ever, helps me to rescue, will become my husband.’(11)
Gujar came running after hearing (these) words
Hearing this, the milkman came forward, and pulled that woman out.
Then he joined her
He gratified himself sexually, brought her home and took her as his wife. (12)
No doubt she saved her life by making love with the milkman.
But the damsel was very much in distress for not meeting the Raja.(l3)
O passerby! Listen, I am your woman.
‘Listen, milkman, I am your woman. You love me and I love you.
I did not see the king of the city.
‘I have not met the Raja of the town. I am craving to see him.’(I4)
‘Come, get up let us go to the town,
‘We will get involved in various bounties to please our hearts.’(l5)
Taking the milk-man with her, she reached the town,
The same way she had gone to meet the Raja crossing the river.(l6)
In the same way she crossed the river
The same way she crossed the river and met the Raja,
The king said that you have come after many days.
Raja said, as you have come after so many days, my bed will be adorned.’(l7)