Having wandered through foreign lands, I have come here to do business.
I heard of the incomparable and profitable merchandise.
I have gathered in my pockets my capital of virtue, and I have brought it here with me.
Beholding the jewel, this mind is fascinated. ||1||
I have come to the door of the Trader.
Please display the merchandise, so that the business may be transacted. ||1||Pause||
The Trader has sent me to the Banker.
The jewel is priceless, and the capital is priceless.
O my gentle brother, mediator and friend
- I have obtained the merchandise, and my consciousness is now steady and stable. ||2||
I have no fear of thieves, of wind or water.
I have easily made my purchase, and I easily take it away.
I have earned Truth, and I shall have no pain.
I have brought this merchandise home, safe and sound. ||3||
I have earned the profit, and I am happy.
Blessed is the Banker, the Perfect Bestower.
How rare is the Gurmukh who obtains this merchandise;
Nanak has brought this profitable merchandise home. ||4||6||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
He does not consider my merits or demerits.
He does not look at my beauty, color or decorations.
I do not know the ways of wisdom and good conduct.
But taking me by the arm, my Husband Lord has led me to His Bed. ||1||
Hear, O my companions, my Husband, my Lord Master, possesses me.
Placing His Hand upon my forehead, He protects me as His Own. What do these ignorant people know? ||1||Pause||
My married life now appears so beauteous;
my Husband Lord has met me, and He sees all my pains.
Within the courtyard of my heart, the glory of the moon shines.
Night and day, I have fun with my Beloved. ||2||
My clothes are dyed the deep crimson color of the poppy.
All the ornaments and garlands around my neck adorn me.
Gazing upon my Beloved with my eyes, I have obtained all treasures;
I have shaken off the power of the evil demons. ||3||
I have obtained eternal bliss, and I constantly celebrate.
With the nine treasures of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I am satisfied in my own home.
Says Nanak, when the happy soul-bride is adorned by her Beloved,
she is forever happy with her Husband Lord. ||4||7||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
They give you donations and worship you.
You take from them, and then deny that they have given anything to you.
That door, through which you must ultimately go, O Brahmin
- at that door, you will come to regret and repent. ||1||
Such Brahmins shall drown, O Siblings of Destiny;
they think of doing evil to the innocent. ||1||Pause||
Within them is greed, and they wander around like mad dogs.
They slander others and carry loads of sin upon their heads.
Intoxicated by Maya, they do not think of the Lord.
Deluded by doubt, they wander off on many paths. ||2||
Outwardly, they wear various religious robes,
but within, they are enveloped by poison.
They instruct others, but do not understand themselves.
Such Brahmins will never be emancipated. ||3||
O foolish Brahmin, reflect upon God.
He watches and hears, and is always with you.
Says Nanak, if this is your destiny,
renounce your pride, and grasp the Guru's Feet. ||4||8||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: