One who, as Gurmukh, chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is saved. In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, O Nanak, God is permeating the hearts of each and every being. ||4||3||50||
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:
Whatever God causes to happen is accepted, by those who are attuned to the Love of the Lord's Name.
Those who fall at the Feet of God are respected everywhere. ||1||
O my Lord, no one is as great as the Lord's Saints.
The devotees are in harmony with their God; He is in the water, the land, and the sky. ||1||Pause||
Millions of sinners have been saved in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; the Messenger of Death does not even approach them.
Those who have been separated from the Lord, for countless incarnations, are reunited with the Lord again. ||2||
Attachment to Maya, doubt and fear are eradicated, when one enters the Sanctuary of the Saints.
Whatever wishes one harbors, are obtained from the Saints. ||3||
How can I describe the glory of the Lord's humble servants? They are pleasing to their God.
Says Nanak, those who meet the True Guru, become independent of all obligations. ||4||4||51||
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:
Giving me Your Hand, You saved me from the terrible fire, when I sought Your Sanctuary.
Deep within my heart, I respect Your strength; I have abandoned all other hopes. ||1||
O my Sovereign Lord, when You enter my consciousness, I am saved.
You are my support. I count on You. Meditating on You, I am saved. ||1||Pause||
You pulled me up out of the deep, dark pit. You have become merciful to me.
You care for me, and bless me with total peace; You Yourself cherish me. ||2||
The Transcendent Lord has blessed me with His Glance of Grace; breaking my bonds, He has delivered me.
God Himself inspires me to worship Him; He Himself inspires me to serve Him. ||3||
My doubts have gone, my fears and infatuations have been dispelled, and all my sorrows are gone.
O Nanak, the Lord, the Giver of peace has been merciful to me. I have met the Perfect True Guru. ||4||5||52||
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:
When nothing existed, what deeds were being done? And what karma caused anyone to be born at all?
The Lord Himself set His play in motion, and He Himself beholds it. He created the Creation. ||1||
O my Sovereign Lord, I cannot do anything at all by myself.
He Himself is the Creator, He Himself is the Cause. He is pervading deep within all. ||1||Pause||
If my account were to be judged, I would never be saved. My body is transitory and ignorant.
Take pity upon me, O Creator Lord God; Your Forgiving Grace is singular and unique. ||2||
You created all beings and creatures. Each and every heart meditates on You.
Your condition and expanse are known only to You; the value of Your creative omnipotence cannot be estimated. ||3||
I am worthless, foolish, thoughtless and ignorant. I know nothing about good actions and righteous living.
Take pity on Nanak, that he may sing Your Glorious Praises; and that Your Will may seem sweet to him. ||4||6||53||
Soohee, Fifth Mehl: