The Pandit, the religious scholar, proclaims the Vedas, but he is slow to act on them.
Another person on silence sits alone, but his heart is tied in knots of desire.
Another becomes an Udaasi, a renunciate; he abandons his home and walks out on his family, but his wandering impulses do not leave him. ||1||
Who can I tell about the state of my soul?
Where can I find such a person who is liberated, and who can unite me with my God? ||1||Pause||
Someone may practice intensive meditation, and discipline his body, but his mind still runs around in ten directions.
The celibate practices celibacy, but his heart is filled with pride.
The Sannyaasi wanders around at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, but his mindless anger is still within him. ||2||
The temple dancers tie bells around their ankles to earn their living.
Others go on fasts, take vows, perform the six rituals and wear religious robes for show.
Some sing songs and melodies and hymns, but their minds do not sing of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||
The Lord's Saints are immaculately pure; they are beyond pleasure and pain, beyond greed and attachment.
My mind obtains the dust of their feet, when the Lord God shows mercy.
Says Nanak, I met the Perfect Guru, and then the anxiety of my mind was removed. ||4||
My Sovereign Lord is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.
The Beloved of my soul knows everything; all trivial talk is forgotten. ||1||Second Pause||6||15||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
One who has Your Name in his heart is the king of all the hundreds of thousands and millions of beings.
Those, whom my True Guru has not blessed with Your Name, are poor idiots, who die and are reborn. ||1||
My True Guru protects and preserves my honor.
When You come to mind, Lord, then I obtain perfect honor. Forgetting You, I roll in the dust. ||1||Pause||
The mind's pleasures of love and beauty bring just as many blames and sins.
The Name of the Lord is the treasure of Emancipation; it is absolute peace and poise. ||2||
The pleasures of Maya fade away in an instant, like the shade of a passing cloud.
They alone are dyed in the deep crimson of the Lord's Love, who meet the Guru, and sing the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||
My Lord and Master is lofty and exalted, grand and infinite. The Darbaar of His Court is inaccessible.
Through the Naam, glorious greatness and respect are obtained; O Nanak, my Lord and Master is my Beloved. ||4||7||16||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Fourth House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The One Universal Creator Lord created the creation.
He made all the days and the nights.
The forests, meadows, three worlds, water,
the four Vedas, the four sources of creation,
the countries, the continents and all the worlds,
have all come from the One Word of the Lord. ||1||
Hey - understand the Creator Lord.
If you meet the True Guru, then you'll understand. ||1||Pause||
He formed the expanse of the entire universe from the three gunas, the three qualities.
People are incarnated in heaven and in hell.
In egotism, they come and go.
The mind cannot hold still, even for an instant.