Uniting with Himself, He bestows glorious greatness.
By Guru's Grace, one comes to know the Lord's worth.
The self-willed manmukh wanders everywhere, weeping and wailing; he is utterly ruined by the love of duality. ||3||
Egotism was instilled into the illusion of Maya.
The self-willed manmukh is deluded, and loses his honor.
But one who becomes Gurmukh is absorbed in the Name; he remains immersed in the True Lord. ||4||
Spiritual wisdom is obtained from the Guru, along with the jewel of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
Desires are subdued, and one remains immersed in the mind.
The Creator Himself stages all His plays; He Himself bestows understanding. ||5||
One who serves the True Guru eradicates self-conceit.
Meeting with his Beloved, he finds peace through the Word of the Shabad.
Deep within his inner being, he is imbued with loving devotion; intuitively, he becomes one with the Lord. ||6||
The Destroyer of pain is known through the Guru.
The Great Giver, the Life of the world, Himself has met me.
He alone understands, whom the Lord joins with Himself. Fear and doubt are taken away from his body. ||7||
He Himself is the Gurmukh, and He Himself bestows His blessings.
Through the True Word of the Shabad, serve the True Guru.
Old age and death cannot even touch one who is in harmony with the True Lord. ||8||
The world is burning up in the fire of desire.
It burns and burns, and is destroyed in all its corruption.
The self-willed manmukh finds no place of rest anywhere. The True Guru has imparted this understanding. ||9||
Those who serve the True Guru are very fortunate.
They remain lovingly focused on the True Name forever.
The Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord, permeates the nucleus of their inner being; through the Shabad, their desires are quenched. ||10||
True is the Word of the Shabad, and True is the Bani of His Word.
How rare is that Gurmukh who realizes this.
Those who are imbued with the True Shabad are detached. Their comings and goings in reincarnation are ended. ||11||
One who realizes the Shabad is cleansed of impurities.
The Immaculate Naam abides within his mind.
He serves his True Guru forever, and egotism is eradicated from within. ||12||
If one comes to understand, through the Guru, then he comes to know the Lord's Door.
But without the Naam, one babbles and argues in vain.
The glory of serving the True Guru is that it eradicates hunger and thirst. ||13||
When the Lord unites them with Himself, then they come to understand.
Without spiritual wisdom, they understand nothing at all.
One whose mind is filled with the Guru's gift forever - his inner being resounds with the Shabad, and the Word of the Guru's Bani. ||14||
He acts according to his pre-ordained destiny.
No one can erase the Command of the Primal Lord.
They alone dwell in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, who have such pre-ordained destiny. ||15||
He alone finds the Lord, unto whom He grants His Grace.
He links his consciousness to the deep meditative state of the True Shabad.
Nanak, Your slave, offers this humble prayer; I stand at Your Door, begging for Your Name. ||16||1||
Maaroo, Third Mehl:
The One and only Lord is pervading and permeating everywhere.
How rare is that person, who as Gurmukh, understands this.
The One Lord is permeating and pervading, deep within the nucleus of all. Without Him, there is no other at all. ||1||
He created the 8.4 millions species of beings.