Then she is known as the happy soul-bride, if she contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||3||
Bound by the actions she has committed, she wanders around - see this and understand.
What can we say to her? What can the poor soul-bride do? ||4||
Disappointed and hopeless, she gets up and departs. There is no support or encouragement in her consciousness.
So remain attached to the Lord's Lotus Feet, and hurry to His Sanctuary, Kabeer! ||5||6||50||
Gauree :
The Yogi says that Yoga is good and sweet, and nothing else is, O Siblings of Destiny.
Those who shave their heads, and those who amputate their limbs, and those who utter only a single word, all say that they have attained the spiritual perfection of the Siddhas. ||1||
Without the Lord, the blind ones are deluded by doubt.
And those, to whom I go to find release - they themselves are bound by all sorts of chains. ||1||Pause||
The soul is re-absorbed into that from which it originated, when one leaves this path of errors.
The scholarly Pandits, the virtuous, the brave and the generous, all assert that they alone are great. ||2||
He alone understands, whom the Lord inspires to understand. Without understanding, what can anyone do?
Meeting the True Guru, the darkness is dispelled, and in this way, the jewel is obtained. ||3||
Give up the evil actions of your left and right hands, and grasp hold of the Feet of the Lord.
Says Kabeer, the mute has tasted the molasses, but what can he say about it if he is asked? ||4||7||51||
Raag Gauree Poorbee, Kabeer Jee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Where something existed, now there is nothing. The five elements are no longer there.
The Ida, the Pingala and the Sushmanaa - O human being, how can the breaths through these be counted now? ||1||
The string has been broken, and the Sky of the Tenth Gate has been destroyed. Where has your speech gone?
This cynicism afflicts me, night and day; who can explain this to me and help me understand? ||1||Pause||
Where the world is - the body is not there; the mind is not there either.
The Joiner is forever unattached; now, within whom is the soul said to be contained? ||2||
By joining the elements, people cannot join them, and by breaking, they cannot be broken, until the body perishes.
Of whom is the soul the master, and of whom is it the servant? Where, and to whom does it go? ||3||
Says Kabeer, I have lovingly focused my attention on that place where the Lord dwells, day and night.
Only He Himself truly knows the secrets of His mystery; He is eternal and indestructible. ||4||1||52||
Let contemplation and intuitive meditation be your two ear-rings, and true wisdom your patched overcoat.
In the cave of silence, dwell in your Yogic posture; let the subjugation of desire be your spiritual path. ||1||
O my King, I am a Yogi, a hermit, a renunciate.
I do not die or suffer pain or separation. ||1||Pause||
The solar systems and galaxies are my horn; the whole world is the bag to carry my ashes.
Eliminating the three qualities and finding release from this world is my deep meditation. ||2||
My mind and breath are the two gourds of my fiddle, and the Lord of all the ages is its frame.