The humble servant Prahlaad came and fell at the Lord's Feet. ||11||
The True Guru implanted the treasure of the Naam within.
Power, property and all Maya is false.
But still, the greedy people continue clinging to them.
Without the Name of the Lord, the mortals are punished in His Court. ||12||
Says Nanak, everyone acts as the Lord makes them act.
They alone are approved and accepted, who focus their consciousness on the Lord.
He has made His devotees His Own.
The Creator has appeared in His Own Form. ||13||1||2||
Bhairao, Third Mehl:
Serving the Guru, I obtain the Ambrosial Fruit; my egotism and desire have been quenched.
The Name of the Lord dwells within my heart and mind, and the desires of my mind are quieted. ||1||
O Dear Lord, my Beloved, please bless me with Your Mercy.
Night and day, Your humble servant begs for Your Glorious Praises; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he is saved. ||1||Pause||
The Messenger of Death cannot even touch the humble Saints; it does not cause them even an iota of suffering or pain.
Those who enter Your Sanctuary, Lord, save themselves, and save all their ancestors as well. ||2||
You Yourself save the honor of Your devotees; this is Your Glory, O Lord.
You cleanse them of the sins and the pains of countless incarnations; You love them without even an iota of duality. ||3||
I am foolish and ignorant, and understand nothing. You Yourself bless me with understanding.
You do whatever You please; nothing else can be done at all. ||4||
Creating the world, You have linked all to their tasks - even the evil deeds which men do.
They lose this precious human life in the gamble, and do not understand the Word of the Shabad. ||5||
The self-willed manmukhs die, understanding nothing; they are enveloped by the darkness of evil-mindedness and ignorance.
They do not cross over the terrible world-ocean; without the Guru, they drown and die. ||6||
True are those humble beings who are imbued with the True Shabad; the Lord God unites them with Himself.
Through the Word of the Guru's Bani, they come to understand the Shabad. They remain lovingly focused on the True Lord. ||7||
You Yourself are Immaculate and Pure, and pure are Your humble servants who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to those, who enshrine the Lord's Name within their hearts. ||8||2||3||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl, Ashtpadheeyaa, Second House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
He alone is a great king, who keeps the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within his heart.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart - his tasks are perfectly accomplished.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart, obtains millions of treasures.
Without the Naam, life is useless. ||1||
I praise that person, who has the capital of the Lord's Wealth.
He is very fortunate, on whose forehead the Guru has placed His Hand. ||1||Pause||
One who keeps the Naam in his heart, has many millions of armies on his side.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart, enjoys peace and poise.