I remained under the influence of corruption, night and day; I did whatever I pleased. ||1||Pause||
I never listened to the Guru's Teachings; I was entangled with others' spouses.
I ran all around slandering others; I was taught, but I never learned. ||1||
How can I even describe my actions? This is how I wasted my life.
Says Nanak, I am totally filled with faults. I have come to Your Sanctuary - please save me, O Lord! ||2||4||3||13||139||4||159||
Raag Saarang, Ashtpadheeyaa, First Mehl, First House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
How can I live, O my mother?
Hail to the Lord of the Universe. I ask to sing Your Praises; without You, O Lord, I cannot even survive. ||1||Pause||
I am thirsty, thirsty for the Lord; the soul-bride gazes upon Him all through the night.
My mind is absorbed into the Lord, my Lord and Master. Only God knows the pain of another. ||1||
My body suffers in pain, without the Lord; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I find the Lord.
O Dear Lord, please be kind and compassionate to me, that I might remain merged in You, O Lord. ||2||
Follow such a path, O my conscious mind, that you may remain focused on the Feet of the Lord.
I am wonder-struck, singing the Glorious Praises of my Fascinating Lord; I am intuitively absorbed in the Fearless Lord. ||3||
That heart, in which the Eternal, Unchanging Naam vibrates and resounds, does not diminish, and cannot be evaluated.
Without the Name, everyone is poor; the True Guru has imparted this understanding. ||4||
My Beloved is my breath of life - listen, O my companion. The demons have taken poison and died.
As love for Him welled up, so it remains. My mind is imbued with His Love. ||5||
I am absorbed in celestial samaadhi, lovingly attached to the Lord forever. I live by singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
Imbued with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I have become detached from the world. In the profound primal trance, I dwell within the home of my own inner being. ||6||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is sublimely sweet and supremely delicious; within the home of my own self, I understand the essence of the Lord.
Wherever You keep my mind, there it is. This is what the Guru has taught me. ||7||
Sanak and Sanandan, Brahma and Indra, were imbued with devotional worship, and came to be in harmony with Him.
O Nanak, without the Lord, I cannot live, even for an instant. The Name of the Lord is glorious and great. ||8||1||
Saarang, First Mehl:
Without the Lord, how can my mind be comforted?
The guilt and sin of millions of ages is erased, and one is released from the cycle of reincarnation, when the Truth is implanted within. ||1||Pause||
Anger is gone, egotism and attachment have been burnt away; I am imbued with His ever-fresh Love.
Other fears are forgotten, begging at God's Door. The Immaculate Lord is my Companion. ||1||
Forsaking my fickle intellect, I have found God, the Destroyer of fear; I am lovingly attuned to the One Word, the Shabad.
Tasting the sublime essence of the Lord, my thirst is quenched; by great good fortune, the Lord has united me with Himself. ||2||
The empty tank has been filled to overflowing. Following the Guru's Teachings, I am enraptured with the True Lord.