The outgoing, wandering soul, upon meeting the True Guru, opens the Tenth Gate.
There, Ambrosial Nectar is food and the celestial music resounds; the world is held spell-bound by the music of the Word.
The many strains of the unstruck melody resound there, as one merges in Truth.
Thus says Nanak: by meeting the True Guru, the wandering soul becomes steady, and comes to dwell in the home of its own self. ||4||
O my mind, you are the embodiment of the Divine Light - recognize your own origin.
O my mind, the Dear Lord is with you; through the Guru's Teachings, enjoy His Love.
Acknowledge your origin, and then you shall know your Husband Lord, and so understand death and birth.
By Guru's Grace, know the One; then, you shall not love any other.
Peace comes to the mind, and gladness resounds; then, you shall be acclaimed.
Thus says Nanak: O my mind, you are the very image of the Luminous Lord; recognize the true origin of your self. ||5||
O mind, you are so full of pride; loaded with pride, you shall depart.
The fascinating Maya has fascinated you, over and over again, and lured you into reincarnation.
Clinging to pride, you shall depart, O foolish mind, and in the end, you shall regret and repent.
You are afflicted with the diseases of ego and desire, and you are wasting your life away in vain.
The foolish self-willed manmukh does not remember the Lord, and shall regret and repent hereafter.
Thus says Nanak: O mind, you are full of pride; loaded with pride, you shall depart. ||6||
O mind, don't be so proud of yourself, as if you know it all; the Gurmukh is humble and modest.
Within the intellect are ignorance and ego; through the True Word of the Shabad, this filth is washed off.
So be humble, and surrender to the True Guru; do not attach your identity to your ego.
The world is consumed by ego and self-identity; see this, lest you lose your own self as well.
Make yourself follow the Sweet Will of the True Guru; remain attached to His Sweet Will.
Thus says Nanak: renounce your ego and self-conceit, and obtain peace; let your mind abide in humility. ||7||
Blessed is that time, when I met the True Guru, and my Husband Lord came into my consciousness.
I became so very blissful, and my mind and body found such a natural peace.
My Husband Lord came into my consciousness; I enshrined Him within my mind, and I renounced all vice.
When it pleased Him, virtues appeared in me, and the True Guru Himself adorned me.
Those humble beings become acceptable, who cling to the One Name and renounce the love of duality.
Thus says Nanak: blessed is the time when I met the True Guru, and my Husband Lord came into my consciousness. ||8||
Some people wander around, deluded by doubt; their Husband Lord Himself has misled them.
They wander around in the love of duality, and they do their deeds in ego.
Their Husband Lord Himself has misled them, and put them on the path of evil. Nothing lies in their power.
You alone know their ups and downs, You, who created the creation.
The Command of Your Will is very strict; how rare is the Gurmukh who understands.
Thus says Nanak: what can the poor creatures do, when You mislead them into doubt? ||9||