Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Page - 762

ਆਵਹਿ ਜਾਹਿ ਅਨੇਕ ਮਰਿ ਮਰਿ ਜਨਮਤੇ ॥
aaveh jaeh anek mar mar janamate |

Many come and go; they die, and die again, and are reincarnated.

ਬਿਨੁ ਬੂਝੇ ਸਭੁ ਵਾਦਿ ਜੋਨੀ ਭਰਮਤੇ ॥੫॥
bin boojhe sabh vaad jonee bharamate |5|

Without understanding, they are totally useless, and they wander in reincarnation. ||5||

ਜਿਨੑ ਕਉ ਭਏ ਦਇਆਲ ਤਿਨੑ ਸਾਧੂ ਸੰਗੁ ਭਇਆ ॥
jina kau bhe deaal tina saadhoo sang bheaa |

They alone join the Saadh Sangat, unto whom the Lord becomes Merciful.

ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਤਿਨੑੀ ਜਨੀ ਜਪਿ ਲਇਆ ॥੬॥
amrit har kaa naam tinaee janee jap leaa |6|

They chant and meditate on the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. ||6||

ਖੋਜਹਿ ਕੋਟਿ ਅਸੰਖ ਬਹੁਤੁ ਅਨੰਤ ਕੇ ॥
khojeh kott asankh bahut anant ke |

Uncounted millions, so many they are endless, search for Him.

ਜਿਸੁ ਬੁਝਾਏ ਆਪਿ ਨੇੜਾ ਤਿਸੁ ਹੇ ॥੭॥
jis bujhaae aap nerraa tis he |7|

But only that one, who understands his own self, sees God near at hand. ||7||

ਵਿਸਰੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਦਾਤਾਰ ਆਪਣਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਦੇਹੁ ॥
visar naahee daataar aapanaa naam dehu |

Never forget me, O Great Giver - please bless me with Your Naam.

ਗੁਣ ਗਾਵਾ ਦਿਨੁ ਰਾਤਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਚਾਉ ਏਹੁ ॥੮॥੨॥੫॥੧੬॥
gun gaavaa din raat naanak chaau ehu |8|2|5|16|

To sing Your Glorious Praises day and night - O Nanak, this is my heart-felt desire. ||8||2||5||16||

ਰਾਗੁ ਸੂਹੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ਕੁਚਜੀ ॥
raag soohee mahalaa 1 kuchajee |

Raag Soohee, First Mehl, Kuchajee ~ The Ungraceful Bride:

ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥
ik oankaar satigur prasaad |

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ਮੰਞੁ ਕੁਚਜੀ ਅੰਮਾਵਣਿ ਡੋਸੜੇ ਹਉ ਕਿਉ ਸਹੁ ਰਾਵਣਿ ਜਾਉ ਜੀਉ ॥
many kuchajee amaavan ddosarre hau kiau sahu raavan jaau jeeo |

I am ungraceful and ill-mannered, full of endless faults. How can I go to enjoy my Husband Lord?

ਇਕ ਦੂ ਇਕਿ ਚੜੰਦੀਆ ਕਉਣੁ ਜਾਣੈ ਮੇਰਾ ਨਾਉ ਜੀਉ ॥
eik doo ik charrandeea kaun jaanai meraa naau jeeo |

Each of His soul-brides is better than the rest - who even knows my name?

ਜਿਨੑੀ ਸਖੀ ਸਹੁ ਰਾਵਿਆ ਸੇ ਅੰਬੀ ਛਾਵੜੀਏਹਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
jinaee sakhee sahu raaviaa se anbee chhaavarreehi jeeo |

Those brides who enjoy their Husband Lord are very blessed, resting in the shade of the mango tree.

ਸੇ ਗੁਣ ਮੰਞੁ ਨ ਆਵਨੀ ਹਉ ਕੈ ਜੀ ਦੋਸ ਧਰੇਉ ਜੀਉ ॥
se gun many na aavanee hau kai jee dos dhareo jeeo |

I do not have their virtue - who can I blame for this?

ਕਿਆ ਗੁਣ ਤੇਰੇ ਵਿਥਰਾ ਹਉ ਕਿਆ ਕਿਆ ਘਿਨਾ ਤੇਰਾ ਨਾਉ ਜੀਉ ॥
kiaa gun tere vitharaa hau kiaa kiaa ghinaa teraa naau jeeo |

Which of Your Virtues, O Lord, should I speak of? Which of Your Names should I chant?

ਇਕਤੁ ਟੋਲਿ ਨ ਅੰਬੜਾ ਹਉ ਸਦ ਕੁਰਬਾਣੈ ਤੇਰੈ ਜਾਉ ਜੀਉ ॥
eikat ttol na anbarraa hau sad kurabaanai terai jaau jeeo |

I cannot even reach one of Your Virtues. I am forever a sacrifice to You.

ਸੁਇਨਾ ਰੁਪਾ ਰੰਗੁਲਾ ਮੋਤੀ ਤੈ ਮਾਣਿਕੁ ਜੀਉ ॥
sueinaa rupaa rangulaa motee tai maanik jeeo |

Gold, silver, pearls and rubies are pleasing.

ਸੇ ਵਸਤੂ ਸਹਿ ਦਿਤੀਆ ਮੈ ਤਿਨੑ ਸਿਉ ਲਾਇਆ ਚਿਤੁ ਜੀਉ ॥
se vasatoo seh diteea mai tina siau laaeaa chit jeeo |

My Husband Lord has blessed me with these things, and I have focused my thoughts on them.

ਮੰਦਰ ਮਿਟੀ ਸੰਦੜੇ ਪਥਰ ਕੀਤੇ ਰਾਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
mandar mittee sandarre pathar keete raas jeeo |

Palaces of brick and mud are built and decorated with stones;

ਹਉ ਏਨੀ ਟੋਲੀ ਭੁਲੀਅਸੁ ਤਿਸੁ ਕੰਤ ਨ ਬੈਠੀ ਪਾਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
hau enee ttolee bhuleeas tis kant na baitthee paas jeeo |

I have been fooled by these decorations, and I do not sit near my Husband Lord.

ਅੰਬਰਿ ਕੂੰਜਾ ਕੁਰਲੀਆ ਬਗ ਬਹਿਠੇ ਆਇ ਜੀਉ ॥
anbar koonjaa kuraleea bag bahitthe aae jeeo |

The cranes shriek overhead in the sky, and the herons have come to rest.

ਸਾ ਧਨ ਚਲੀ ਸਾਹੁਰੈ ਕਿਆ ਮੁਹੁ ਦੇਸੀ ਅਗੈ ਜਾਇ ਜੀਉ ॥
saa dhan chalee saahurai kiaa muhu desee agai jaae jeeo |

The bride has gone to her father-in-law's house; in the world hereafter, what face will she show?

ਸੁਤੀ ਸੁਤੀ ਝਾਲੁ ਥੀਆ ਭੁਲੀ ਵਾਟੜੀਆਸੁ ਜੀਉ ॥
sutee sutee jhaal theea bhulee vaattarreeaas jeeo |

She kept sleeping as the day dawned; she forgot all about her journey.

ਤੈ ਸਹ ਨਾਲਹੁ ਮੁਤੀਅਸੁ ਦੁਖਾ ਕੂੰ ਧਰੀਆਸੁ ਜੀਉ ॥
tai sah naalahu muteeas dukhaa koon dhareeaas jeeo |

She separated herself from her Husband Lord, and now she suffers in pain.

ਤੁਧੁ ਗੁਣ ਮੈ ਸਭਿ ਅਵਗਣਾ ਇਕ ਨਾਨਕ ਕੀ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
tudh gun mai sabh avaganaa ik naanak kee aradaas jeeo |

Virtue is in You, O Lord; I am totally without virtue. This is Nanak's only prayer:

ਸਭਿ ਰਾਤੀ ਸੋਹਾਗਣੀ ਮੈ ਡੋਹਾਗਣਿ ਕਾਈ ਰਾਤਿ ਜੀਉ ॥੧॥
sabh raatee sohaaganee mai ddohaagan kaaee raat jeeo |1|

You give all Your nights to the virtuous soul-brides. I know I am unworthy, but isn't there a night for me as well? ||1||

ਸੂਹੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ਸੁਚਜੀ ॥
soohee mahalaa 1 suchajee |

Soohee, First Mehl, Suchajee ~ The Noble And Graceful Bride:

ਜਾ ਤੂ ਤਾ ਮੈ ਸਭੁ ਕੋ ਤੂ ਸਾਹਿਬੁ ਮੇਰੀ ਰਾਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
jaa too taa mai sabh ko too saahib meree raas jeeo |

When I have You, then I have everything. O my Lord and Master, You are my wealth and capital.

ਤੁਧੁ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਹਉ ਸੁਖਿ ਵਸਾ ਤੂੰ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਸਾਬਾਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
tudh antar hau sukh vasaa toon antar saabaas jeeo |

Within You, I abide in peace; within You, I am congratulated.

ਭਾਣੈ ਤਖਤਿ ਵਡਾਈਆ ਭਾਣੈ ਭੀਖ ਉਦਾਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
bhaanai takhat vaddaaeea bhaanai bheekh udaas jeeo |

By the Pleasure of Your Will, You bestow thrones and greatness. And by the Pleasure of Your Will, You make us beggars and wanderers.

ਭਾਣੈ ਥਲ ਸਿਰਿ ਸਰੁ ਵਹੈ ਕਮਲੁ ਫੁਲੈ ਆਕਾਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
bhaanai thal sir sar vahai kamal fulai aakaas jeeo |

By the Pleasure of Your Will, the ocean flows in the desert, and the lotus blossoms in the sky.

ਭਾਣੈ ਭਵਜਲੁ ਲੰਘੀਐ ਭਾਣੈ ਮੰਝਿ ਭਰੀਆਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
bhaanai bhavajal langheeai bhaanai manjh bhareeaas jeeo |

By the Pleasure of Your Will, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean; by the Pleasure of Your Will, he sinks down into it.

ਭਾਣੈ ਸੋ ਸਹੁ ਰੰਗੁਲਾ ਸਿਫਤਿ ਰਤਾ ਗੁਣਤਾਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
bhaanai so sahu rangulaa sifat rataa gunataas jeeo |

By the Pleasure of His Will, that Lord becomes my Husband, and I am imbued with the Praises of the Lord, the treasure of virtue.

ਭਾਣੈ ਸਹੁ ਭੀਹਾਵਲਾ ਹਉ ਆਵਣਿ ਜਾਣਿ ਮੁਈਆਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
bhaanai sahu bheehaavalaa hau aavan jaan mueeaas jeeo |

By the Pleasure of Your Will, O my Husband Lord, I am afraid of You, and I come and go, and die.

ਤੂ ਸਹੁ ਅਗਮੁ ਅਤੋਲਵਾ ਹਉ ਕਹਿ ਕਹਿ ਢਹਿ ਪਈਆਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
too sahu agam atolavaa hau keh keh dteh peeaas jeeo |

You, O my Husband Lord, are inaccessible and immeasurable; talking and speaking of You, I have fallen at Your Feet.

ਕਿਆ ਮਾਗਉ ਕਿਆ ਕਹਿ ਸੁਣੀ ਮੈ ਦਰਸਨ ਭੂਖ ਪਿਆਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥
kiaa maagau kiaa keh sunee mai darasan bhookh piaas jeeo |

What should I beg for? What should I say and hear? I am hungry and thirsty for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

ਗੁਰਸਬਦੀ ਸਹੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਸਚੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਕੀ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ਜੀਉ ॥੨॥
gurasabadee sahu paaeaa sach naanak kee aradaas jeeo |2|

Through the Word of the Guru's Teachings, I have found my Husband Lord. This is Nanak's true prayer. ||2||

ਸੂਹੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ਗੁਣਵੰਤੀ ॥
soohee mahalaa 5 gunavantee |

Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Gunvantee ~ The Worthy And Virtuous Bride:

Index (1 - 1430)
Jap Page: 1 - 8
So Dar Page: 8 - 10
So Purakh Page: 10 - 12
Sohila Page: 12 - 13
Siree Raag Page: 14 - 93
Raag Maajh Page: 94 - 150
Raag Gauree Page: 151 - 346
Raag Aasaa Page: 347 - 488
Raag Gujri Page: 489 - 526
Raag Dayv Gandhaaree Page: 527 - 536
Raag Bihaagraa Page: 537 - 556
Raag Vadhans Page: 557 - 594
Raag Sorath Page: 595 - 659
Raag Dhanaasree Page: 660 - 695
Raag Jaithsree Page: 696 - 710
Raag Todee Page: 711 - 718
Raag Bairaaree Page: 719 - 720
Raag Tilang Page: 721 - 727
Raag Soohee Page: 728 - 794
Raag Bilaaval Page: 795 - 858
Raag Gond Page: 859 - 875
Raag Raamkalee Page: 876 - 974
Raag Nat Naaraayan Page: 975 - 983
Raag Maalee Gauraa Page: 984 - 988
Raag Maaroo Page: 989 - 1106
Raag Tukhaari Page: 1107 - 1117
Raag Kaydaaraa Page: 1118 - 1124
Raag Bhairao Page: 1125 - 1167
Raag Basant Page: 1168 - 1196
Raag Saarang Page: 1197 - 1253
Raag Malaar Page: 1254 - 1293
Raag Kaanraa Page: 1294 - 1318
Raag Kalyaan Page: 1319 - 1326
Raag Prabhaatee Page: 1327 - 1351
Raag Jaijaavantee Page: 1352 - 1359
Salok Sehshkritee Page: 1353 - 1360
Gaathaa Fifth Mehl Page: 1360 - 1361
Phunhay Fifth Mehl Page: 1361 - 1363
Chaubolas Fifth Mehl Page: 1363 - 1364
Salok Kabeer Jee Page: 1364 - 1377
Salok Fareed Jee Page: 1377 - 1385
Svaiyay Sri Mukhbak Mehl 5 Page: 1385 - 1389
Svaiyay First Mehl Page: 1389 - 1390
Svaiyay Second Mehl Page: 1391 - 1392
Svaiyay Third Mehl Page: 1392 - 1396
Svaiyay Fourth Mehl Page: 1396 - 1406
Svaiyay Fifth Mehl Page: 1406 - 1409
Salok Vaaran Thay Vadheek Page: 1410 - 1426
Salok Ninth Mehl Page: 1426 - 1429
Mundhaavanee Fifth Mehl Page: 1429 - 1429
Raagmala Page: 1430 - 1430