The Gurmukh is immersed and absorbed in the Naam; Nanak meditates on the Naam. ||12||
The Ambrosial Nectar of the Guru's Bani is in the mouth of the devotees.
The Gurmukhs chant and repeat the Lord's Name.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, their minds forever blossom forth; they focus their minds on the Lord's Feet. ||13||
I am foolish and ignorant; I have no wisdom at all.
From the True Guru, I have obtained understanding in my mind.
O Dear Lord, please be kind to me, and grant Your Grace; let me be committed to serving the True Guru. ||14||
Those who know the True Guru realize the One Lord.
The Giver of peace is all-pervading, permeating everywhere.
Understanding my own soul, I have obtained the Supreme Status; my awareness is immersed in selfless service. ||15||
Those who are blessed with glorious greatness by the Primal Lord God
are lovingly focused on the True Guru, who dwells within their minds.
The Giver of life to the world Himself meets them; O Nanak, they are absorbed in His Being. ||16||1||
Maaroo, Fourth Mehl:
The Lord is inaccessible and unfathomable; He is eternal and imperishable.
He dwells in the heart, and is all-pervading, permeating everywhere.
There is no other Giver except Him; worship the Lord, O mortals. ||1||
No one can kill anyone
Who is saved by the Savior Lord.
So serve such a Lord, O Saints, whose Bani is exalted and sublime. ||2||
When it seems that a place is empty and void,
there, the Creator Lord is permeating and pervading.
He causes the dried-up branch to blossom forth in greenery again; so meditate on the Lord - wondrous are His ways! ||3||
The One who knows the anguish of all beings
unto that Lord and Master, I am a sacrifice.
Offer your prayers to the One who is the Giver of all peace and joy. ||4||
But one who does not know the state of the soul
do not say anything to such an ignorant person.
Do not argue with fools, O mortals. Meditate on the Lord, in the state of Nirvaanaa. ||5||
Don't worry - let the Creator take care of it.
The Lord gives to all creatures in the water and on the land.
My God bestows His blessings without being asked, even to worms in soil and stones. ||6||
Do not place your hopes in friends, children and siblings.
Do not place your hopes in kings or the business of others.
Without the Lord's Name, no one will be your helper; so meditate on the Lord, the Lord of the world. ||7||
Night and day, chant the Naam.
All your hopes and desires shall be fulfilled.
O servant Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Destroyer of fear, and your life-night shall pass in intuitive peace and poise. ||8||
Those who serve the Lord find peace.
They are intuitively absorbed in the Lord's Name.
The Lord preserves the honor of those who seek His Sanctuary; go and consult the Vedas and the Puraanas. ||9||
That humble being is attached to the Lord's service, whom the Lord so attaches.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, doubt and fear are dispelled.
In his own home, he remains unattached, like the lotus flower in the water. ||10||