You are the all-powerful Cause of causes.
Please cover my faults, Lord of the Universe, O my Guru; I am a sinner - I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet. ||1||Pause||
Whatever we do, You see and know; there is no way anyone can stubbornly deny this.
Your glorious radiance is great! So I have heard, O God. Millions of sins are destroyed by Your Name. ||1||
It is my nature to make mistakes, forever and ever; it is Your Natural Way to save sinners.
You are the embodiment of kindness, and the treasure of compassion, O Merciful Lord; through the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, Nanak has found the state of redemption in life. ||2||2||118||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
Bless me with such mercy, Lord,
that my forehead may touch the feet of the Saints, and my eyes may behold the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, and my body may fall at the dust of their feet. ||1||Pause||
May the Word of the Guru's Shabad abide within my heart, and the Lord's Name be enshrined within my mind.
Drive out the five thieves, O my Lord and Master, and let my doubts all burn like incense. ||1||
Whatever You do, I accept as good; I have driven out the sense of duality.
You are Nanak's God, the Great Giver; in the Congregation of the Saints, emancipate me. ||2||3||119||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
I ask for such advice from Your humble servants,
that I may meditate on You, and love You,
and serve You, and become part and parcel of Your Being. ||1||Pause||
I serve His humble servants, and speak with them, and abide with them.
I apply the dust of the feet of His humble servants to my face and forehead; my hopes, and the many waves of desire, are fulfilled. ||1||
Immaculate and pure are the praises of the humble servants of the Supreme Lord God; the feet of His humble servants are equal to millions of sacred shrines of pilgrimage.
Nanak bathes in the dust of the feet of His humble servants; the sinful resides of countless incarnations have been washed away. ||2||4||120||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
If it pleases You, then cherish me.
O Supreme Lord God, Transcendent Lord, O True Guru, I am Your child, and You are my Merciful Father. ||1||Pause||
I am worthless; I have no virtues at all. I cannot understand Your actions.
You alone know Your state and extent. My soul, body and property are all Yours. ||1||
You are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, the Primal Lord and Master; You know even what is unspoken.
My body and mind are cooled and soothed, O Nanak, by God's Glance of Grace. ||2||5||121||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
Keep me with You forever, O God.
You are my Beloved, the Enticer of my mind; without You, my life is totally useless. ||1||Pause||
In an instant, You transform the beggar into a king; O my God, You are the Master of the masterless.
You save Your humble servants from the burning fire; You make them Your own, and with Your Hand, You protect them. ||1||
I have found peace and cool tranquility, and my mind is satisfied; meditating in remembrance on the Lord, all struggles are ended.
Service to the Lord, O Nanak, is the treasure of treasures; all other clever tricks are useless. ||2||6||122||