The Perfect Guru has fashioned His perfect fashion.
O Nanak, the Lord's devotees are blessed with glorious greatness. ||4||24||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
I have shaped this mind in the mold of the Guru's Word.
Beholding the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan, I have gathered the wealth of the Lord. ||1||
O sublime understanding, come, enter into my mind,
that I may meditate and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, and love so dearly the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||
I am satisfied and satiated by the True Name.
My cleansing bath at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage is the dust of the Saints. ||2||
I recognize that the One Creator is contained in all.
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, my understanding is refined. ||3||
I have become the servant of all; I have renounced my ego and pride.
The Guru has given this gift to Nanak. ||4||25||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
My intellect has been enlightened, and my understanding is perfect.
Thus my evil-mindedness, which kept me far from Him, has been removed. ||1||
Such are the Teachings which I have received from the Guru;
while I was drowning in the pitch black well, I was saved, O my Siblings of Destiny. ||1||Pause||
The Guru is the boat to cross over the totally unfathomable ocean of fire;
He is treasure of jewels. ||2||
This ocean of Maya is dark and treacherous.
The Perfect Guru has revealed the way to cross over it. ||3||
I do not have the ability to chant or practice intense meditation.
Guru Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary. ||4||26||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Thi-Padhay:
One who drinks in the Lord's sublime essence is forever imbued with it,
while other essences wear off in an instant.
Intoxicated with the Lord's sublime essence, the mind is forever in ecstasy.
Other essences bring only anxiety. ||1||
One who drinks in the Lord's sublime essence, is intoxicated and enraptured;
all other essences have no effect. ||1||Pause||
The value of the Lord's sublime essence cannot be described.
The Lord's sublime essence permeates the homes of the Holy.
One may spend thousands and millions, but it cannot be purchased.
He alone obtains it, who is so pre-ordained. ||2||
Tasting it, Nanak is wonder-struck.
Through the Guru, Nanak has obtained this taste.
Here and hereafter, it does not leave him.
Nanak is imbued and enraptured with the Lord's subtle essence. ||3||27||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
If she renounces and eliminates her sexual desire, anger, greed and attachment, and her evil-mindedness and self-conceit as well;
and if, becoming humble, she serves Him, then she becomes dear to her Beloved's Heart. ||1||
Listen, O beautiful soul-bride: By the Word of the Holy Saint, you shall be saved.
Your pain, hunger and doubt shall vanish, and you shall obtain peace, O happy soul-bride. ||1||Pause||
Washing the Guru's feet, and serving Him, the soul is sanctified, and the thirst for sin is quenched.
If you become the slave of the slave of the Lord's slaves, then you shall obtain honor in the Court of the Lord. ||2||
This is right conduct, and this is the correct lifestyle, to obey the Command of the Lord's Will; this is your devotional worship.
One who practices this Mantra, O Nanak, swims across the terrifying world-ocean. ||3||28||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Dho-Padhay: