Mercy, mercy, mercy - O Dear Lord, please shower Your Mercy on me, and attach me to Your Name.
Please be Merciful, and lead me to meet the True Guru; meeting the True Guru, I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||
The filth of egotism from countless incarnations sticks to me; joining the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, this filth is washed away.
As iron is carried across if it is attached to wood, one who is attached to the Word of the Guru's Shabad finds the Lord. ||2||
Joining the Society of the Saints, joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, you shall come to receive the Sublime Essence of the Lord.
But not joining the Sangat, and committing actions in egotistical pride, is like drawing out clean water, and throwing it in the mud. ||3||
The Lord is the Protector and Saving Grace of His humble devotees. The Lord's Sublime Essence seems so sweet to these humble beings.
Each and every instant, they are blessed with the Glorious Greatness of the Naam; through the Teachings of the True Guru, they are absorbed in Him. ||4||
Bow forever in deep respect to the humble devotees; if you bow to those humble beings, you shall obtain the fruit of virtue.
Those wicked enemies who slander the devotees are destroyed, like Harnaakhash. ||5||
Brahma, the son of the lotus, and Vyaas, the son of the fish, practiced austere penance and were worshipped.
Whoever is a devotee - worship and adore that person. Get rid of your doubts and superstitions. ||6||
Do not be fooled by appearances of high and low social class. Suk Dayv bowed at the feet of Janak, and meditated.
Even though Janak threw his left-overs and garbage on Suk Dayv's head, his mind did not waver, even for an instant. ||7||
Janak sat upon his regal throne, and applied the dust of the nine sages to his forehead.
Please shower Nanak with your Mercy, O my Lord and Master; make him the slave of Your slaves. ||8||2||
Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl:
O mind, follow the Guru's Teachings, and joyfully sing God's Praises.
If my one tongue became hundreds of thousands and millions, I would meditate on Him millions and millions of times. ||1||Pause||
The serpent king chants and meditates on the Lord with his thousands of heads, but even by these chants, he cannot find the Lord's limits.
You are Utterly Unfathomable, Inaccessible and Infinite. Through the Wisdom of the Guru's Teachings, the mind becomes steady and balanced. ||1||
Those humble beings who meditate on You are noble and exalted. Meditating on the Lord, they are at peace.
Bidur, the son of a slave-girl, was an untouchable, but Krishna hugged him close in His Embrace. ||2||
Wood is produced from water, but by holding onto wood, one is saved from drowning.
The Lord Himself embellishes and exalts His humble servants; He confirms His Innate Nature. ||3||
I am like a stone, or a piece of iron, heavy stone and iron; in the Boat of the Guru's Congregation, I am carried across,
like Kabeer the weaver, who was saved in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. He became pleasing to the minds of the humble Saints. ||4||
Standing up, sitting down, rising up and walking on the path, I meditate.
The True Guru is the Word, and the Word is the True Guru, who teaches the Path of Liberation. ||5||
By His Training, I find strength with each and every breath; now that I am trained and tamed, I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
By Guru's Grace, egotism is extinguished, and then, through the Guru's Teachings, I merge in the Naam. ||6||