By His Mercy, He has made me His own, and the imperishable Lord has come to dwell within my mind. ||2||
No misfortune afflicts one who is protected by the True Guru.
The Lotus Feet of God come to abide within his heart, and he savors the sublime essence of the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar. ||3||
So, as a servant, serve your God, who fulfills your mind's desires.
Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to the Perfect Lord, who has protected and preserved his honor. ||4||14||25||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
Infatuated with the darkness of emotional attachment to Maya, he does not know the Lord, the Great Giver.
The Lord created his body and fashioned his soul, but he claims that his power is his own. ||1||
O foolish mind, God, your Lord and Master is watching over you.
Whatever you do, He knows; nothing can remain concealed from Him. ||Pause||
You are intoxicated with the tastes of the tongue, with greed and pride; countless sins spring from these.
You wandered in pain through countless incarnations, weighed down by the chains of egotism. ||2||
Behind closed doors, hidden by many screens, the man takes his pleasure with another man's wife.
When Chitr and Gupt, the celestial accountants of the conscious and subconscious, call for your account, who will screen you then? ||3||
O Perfect Lord, Merciful to the meek, Destroyer of pain, without You, I have no shelter at all.
Please, lift me up out of the world-ocean; O God, I have come to Your Sanctuary. ||4||15||26||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
The Supreme Lord God has become my helper and friend; His sermon and the Kirtan of His Praises have brought me peace.
Chant the Word of the Perfect Guru's Bani, and be ever in bliss, O mortal. ||1||
Remember the True Lord in meditation, O Siblings of Destiny.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, eternal peace is obtained, and the Lord is never forgotten. ||Pause||
Your Name, O Transcendent Lord, is Ambrosial Nectar; whoever meditates on it, lives.
One who is blessed with God's Grace - that humble servant becomes immaculate and pure. ||2||
Obstacles are removed, and all pains are eliminated; my mind is attached to the Guru's feet.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the immovable and imperishable Lord, one remains awake to the Lord's Love, day and night. ||3||
He obtains the fruits of his mind's desires, listening to the comforting sermon of the Lord.
In the beginning, in the middle, and in the end, God is Nanak's best friend. ||4||16||27||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl, Panch-Padhay:
May my emotional attachment, my sense of mine and yours, and my self-conceit be dispelled. ||1||
O Saints, show me such a way,
by which my egotism and pride might be eliminated. ||1||Pause||
I see the Supreme Lord God in all beings, and I am the dust of all. ||2||
I see God always with me, and the wall of doubt has been shattered. ||3||
The medicine of the Naam, and the Immaculate Water of Ambrosial Nectar, are obtained through the Guru's Gate. ||4||
Says Nanak, one who has such pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon his forehead, meets with the Guru, and his diseases are cured. ||5||17||28||