I cannot see any other above the True Lord. The True Lord does the appraisal. ||8||
In this green pasture, the mortal stays only a few days.
He plays and frolics in utter darkness.
The jugglers have staged their show, and left, like people mumbling in a dream. ||9||
They alone are blessed with glorious greatness at the Lord's throne,
who enshrine the fearless Lord in their minds, and lovingly center themselves on Him.
In the galaxies and solar systems, nether regions, celestial realms and the three worlds, the Lord is in the primal void of deep absorption. ||10||
True is the village, and true is the throne,
of those Gurmukhs who meet with the True Lord, and find peace.
In Truth, seated upon the true throne, they are blessed with glorious greatness; their egotism is eradicated, along with the calculation of their account. ||11||
Calculating its account, the soul becomes anxious.
How can one find peace, through duality and the three gunas - the three qualities?
The One Lord is immaculate and formless, the Great Giver; through the Perfect Guru, honor is obtained. ||12||
In each and every age, very rare are those who, as Gurmukh, realize the Lord.
Their minds are imbued with the True, all-pervading Lord.
Seeking His Shelter, they find peace, and their minds and bodies are not stained with filth. ||13||
Their tongues are imbued with the True Lord, the source of nectar;
abiding with the Lord God, they have no fear or doubt.
Hearing the Word of the Guru's Bani, their ears are satisfied, and their light merges into the Light. ||14||
Carefully, carefully, I place my feet upon the ground.
Wherever I go, I behold Your Sanctuary.
Whether You grant me pain or pleasure, You are pleasing to my mind. I am in harmony with You. ||15||
No one is anyone's companion or helper at the very last moment;
as Gurmukh, I realize You and praise You.
O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, I am detached; in the home of my own self deep within, I am absorbed in the primal void of deep meditation. ||16||3||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
From the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages, You are infinite and incomparable.
You are my primal, immaculate Lord and Master.
I contemplate the Way of Yoga, the Way of Union with the True Lord. I am truly absorbed in the primal void of deep meditation. ||1||
For so many ages, there was only pitch darkness;
the Creator Lord was absorbed in the primal void.
There was the True Name, the glorious greatness of the Truth, and the glory of His true throne. ||2||
In the Golden Age of Truth, Truth and contentment filled the bodies.
Truth was pervasive, Truth, deep, profound and unfathomable.
The True Lord appraises the mortals on the Touchstone of Truth, and issues His True Command. ||3||
The Perfect True Guru is true and contented.
He alone is a spiritual hero, who believes in the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
He alone obtains a true seat in the True Court of the Lord, who surrenders to the Command of the Commander. ||4||
In the Golden Age of Truth, everyone spoke the Truth.
Truth was pervasive - the Lord was Truth.
With Truth in their minds and mouths, mortals were rid of doubt and fear. Truth was the friend of the Gurmukhs. ||5||
In the Silver Age of Traytaa Yoga, one power of Dharma was lost.
Three feet remained; through duality, one was cut off.
Those who were Gurmukh spoke the Truth, while the self-willed manmukhs wasted away in vain. ||6||
The manmukh never succeeds in the Court of the Lord.
Without the Word of the Shabad, how can one be pleased within?
In bondage they come, and in bondage they go; they understand and comprehend nothing. ||7||
In the Brass Age of Dwaapur Yuga, compassion was cut in half.