Raamkalee, Fourth Mehl:
O True Guru, please be kind, and unite me with the Lord. My Sovereign Lord is the Beloved of my breath of life.
I am a slave; I fall at the Guru's feet. He has shown me the Path, the Way to my Lord God. ||1||
The Name of my Lord, Har, Har, is pleasing to my mind.
I have no friend except the Lord; the Lord is my father, my mother, my companion. ||1||Pause||
My breath of life will not survive for an instant, without my Beloved; unless I see Him, I will die, O my mother!
Blessed, blessed is my great, high destiny, that I have come to the Guru's Sanctuary. Meeting with the Guru, I have obtained the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||2||
I do not know or understand any other within my mind; I meditate and chant the Lord's Chant.
Those who lack the Naam, wander in shame; their noses are chopped off, bit by bit. ||3||
O Life of the World, rejuvenate me! O my Lord and Master, enshrine Your Name deep within my heart.
O Nanak, perfect is the Guru, the Guru. Meeting the True Guru, I meditate on the Naam. ||4||5||
Raamkalee, Fourth Mehl:
The True Guru, the Great Giver, is the Great, Primal Being; meeting Him, the Lord is enshrined within the heart.
The Perfect Guru has granted me the life of the soul; I meditate in remembrance on the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. ||1||
O Lord, the Guru has implanted the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, within my heart.
As Gurmukh, I have heard His sermon, which pleases my mind; blessed, blessed is my great destiny. ||1||Pause||
Millions, three hundred thirty millions of gods meditate on Him, but they cannot find His end or limitation.
With sexual urges in their hearts, they beg for beautiful women; stretching out their hands, they beg for riches. ||2||
One who chants the Praises of the Lord is the greatest of the great; the Gurmukh keeps the Lord clasped to his heart.
If one is blessed with high destiny, he meditates on the Lord, who carries him across the terrifying world-ocean. ||3||
The Lord is close to His humble servant, and His humble servant is close to the Lord; He keeps His humble servant clasped to His Heart.
O Nanak, the Lord God is our father and mother. I am His child; the Lord cherishes me. ||4||6||18||
Raag Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl, First House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Have mercy on me, O Generous Giver, Lord of the meek; please do not consider my merits and demerits.
How can dust be washed? O my Lord and Master, such is the state of mankind. ||1||
O my mind, serve the True Guru, and be at peace.
Whatever you desire, you shall receive that reward, and you shall not be afflicted by pain any longer. ||1||Pause||
He creates and adorns the earthen vessels; He infuses His Light within them.
As is the destiny pre-ordained by the Creator, so are the deeds we do. ||2||
He believes the mind and body are all his own; this is the cause of his coming and going.
He does not think of the One who gave him these; he is blind, entangled in emotional attachment. ||3||