Taste the ambrosial essence, the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Of what use are other efforts?
Showing His Mercy, the Lord Himself protects our honor. ||2||
What is the human? What power does he have?
All the tumult of Maya is false.
Our Lord and Master is the One who acts, and causes others to act.
He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of all hearts. ||3||
Of all comforts, this is the true comfort.
Keep the Guru's Teachings in your mind.
Those who bear love for the Name of the Lord
- says Nanak, they are blessed, and very fortunate. ||4||7||76||
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:
Listening to the Lord's sermon, my pollution has been washed away.
I have become totally pure, and I now walk in peace.
By great good fortune, I found the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy;
I have fallen in love with the Supreme Lord God. ||1||
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, His servant has been carried across.
The Guru has lifted me up and carried me across the ocean of fire. ||1||Pause||
Singing the Kirtan of His Praises, my mind has become peaceful;
the sins of countless incarnations have been washed away.
I have seen all the treasures within my own mind;
why should I now go out searching for them? ||2||
When God Himself becomes merciful,
the work of His servant becomes perfect.
He has cut away my bonds, and made me His slave.
Remember, remember, remember Him in meditation; He is the treasure of excellence. ||3||
He alone is in the mind; He alone is everywhere.
The Perfect Lord is totally permeating and pervading everywhere.
The Perfect Guru has dispelled all doubts.
Remembering the Lord in meditation, Nanak has found peace. ||4||8||77||
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:
Those who have died have been forgotten.
Those who survive have fastened their belts.
They are busily occupied in their affairs;
they cling twice as hard to Maya. ||1||
No one thinks of the time of death;
people grasp to hold that which shall pass away. ||1||Pause||
The fools - their bodies are bound down by desires.
They are mired in sexual desire, anger and attachment;
the Righteous Judge of Dharma stands over their heads.
Believing it to be sweet, the fools eat poison. ||2||
They say, "I shall tie up my enemy, and I shall cut him down.
Who dares to set foot upon my land?
I am learned, I am clever and wise."
The ignorant ones do not recognize their Creator. ||3||
The Lord Himself knows His Own state and condition.
What can anyone say? How can anyone describe Him?
Whatever He attaches us to - to that we are attached.
Everyone begs for their own good. ||4||
Everything is Yours; You are the Creator Lord.
You have no end or limitation.
Please give this gift to Your servant,
that Nanak might never forget the Naam. ||5||9||78||
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:
By all sorts of efforts, people do not find salvation.
Through clever tricks, the weight is only piled on more and more.
Serving the Lord with a pure heart,
you shall be received with honor at God's Court. ||1||