Three hundred thirty million gods eat the Lord's offerings.
The nine stars, a million times over, stand at His Door.
Millions of Righteous Judges of Dharma are His gate-keepers. ||2||
Millions of winds blow around Him in the four directions.
Millions of serpents prepare His bed.
Millions of oceans are His water-carriers.
The eighteen million loads of vegetation are His Hair. ||3||
Millions of treasurers fill His Treasury.
Millions of Lakshmis adorn themselves for Him.
Many millions of vices and virtues look up to Him.
Millions of Indras serve Him. ||4||
Fifty-six million clouds are His.
In each and every village, His infinite fame has spread.
Wild demons with dishevelled hair move about.
The Lord plays in countless ways. ||5||
Millions of charitable feasts are held in His Court,
and millions of celestial singers celebrate His victory.
Millions of sciences all sing His Praises.
Even so, the limits of the Supreme Lord God cannot be found. ||6||
Rama, with millions of monkeys,
Conquered Raawan's army.
Billions of Puraanas greatly praise Him;
He humbled the pride of Duyodhan. ||7||
Millions of gods of love cannot compete with Him.
He steals the hearts of mortal beings.
Says Kabeer, please hear me, O Lord of the World.
I beg for the blessing of fearless dignity. ||8||2||18||20||
Bhairao, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee, First House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
O my tongue, I will cut you into a hundred pieces,
if you do not chant the Name of the Lord. ||1||
O my tongue, be imbued with the Lord's Name.
Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and imbue yourself with this most excellent color. ||1||Pause||
O my tongue, other occupations are false.
The state of Nirvaanaa comes only through the Lord's Name. ||2||
The performance of countless millions of other devotions
is not equal to even one devotion to the Name of the Lord. ||3||
Prays Naam Dayv, this is my occupation.
O Lord, Your Forms are endless. ||4||1||
One who stays away from others' wealth and others' spouses
- the Lord abides near that person. ||1||
Those who do not meditate and vibrate on the Lord
- I do not even want to see them. ||1||Pause||
Those whose inner beings are not in harmony with the Lord,
are nothing more than beasts. ||2||
Prays Naam Dayv, a man without a nose
does not look handsome, even if he has the thirty-two beauty marks. ||3||2||
Naam Dayv milked the brown cow,
And brought a cup of milk and a jug of water to his family god. ||1||
"Please drink this milk, O my Sovereign Lord God.
Drink this milk and my mind will be happy.
Otherwise, my father will be angry with me." ||1||Pause||
Taking the golden cup, Naam Dayv filled it with the ambrosial milk,
and placed it before the Lord. ||2||
The Lord looked upon Naam Dayv and smiled.
"This one devotee abides within my heart." ||3||
The Lord drank the milk, and the devotee returned home.