His Power provides nourishment in the womb of the mother, and does not let disease strike.
His Power holds back the ocean, O Nanak, and does not allow the waves of water to destroy the land. ||53||
The Lord of the World is Supremely Beautiful; His Meditation is the Life of all.
In the Society of the Saints, O Nanak, He is found on the path of devotional worship of the Lord. ||54||
The mosquito pierces the stone, the ant crosses the swamp,
the cripple crosses the ocean, and the blind sees in the darkness,
meditating on the Lord of the Universe in the Saadh Sangat. Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord, Har, Har, Haray. ||55||
Like a Brahmin without a sacred mark on his forehead, or a king without the power of command,
or a warrior without weapons, so is the devotee of God without Dharmic Faith. ||56||
God has no conch-shell, no religious mark, no paraphernalia; he does not have blue skin.
His Form is Wondrous and Amazing. He is beyond incarnation.
The Vedas say that He is not this, and not that.
The Lord of the Universe is Lofty and High, Great and Infinite.
The Imperishable Lord abides in the hearts of the Holy. He is understood, O Nanak, by those who are very fortunate. ||57||
Living in the world, it is like a wild jungle. One's relatives are like dogs, jackals and donkeys.
In this difficult place, the mind is intoxicated with the wine of emotional attachment; the five unconquered thieves lurk there.
The mortals wander lost in love and emotional attachment, fear and doubt; they are caught in the sharp, strong noose of egotism.
The ocean of fire is terrifying and impassable. The distant shore is so far away; it cannot be reached.
Vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the World, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; O Nanak, by His Grace, we are saved at the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ||58||
When the Lord of the Universe grants His Grace, all illnesses are cured.
Nanak chants His Glorious Praises in the Saadh Sangat, in the Sanctuary of the Perfect Transcendent Lord God. ||59||
The mortal is beautiful and speaks sweet words, but in the farm of his heart, he harbors cruel vengeance.
He pretends to bow in worship, but he is false. Beware of him, O friendly Saints. ||60||
The thoughtless fool does not know that each day, his breaths are being used up.
His most beautiful body is wearing away; old age, the daughter of death, has seized it.
He is engrossed in family play; placing his hopes in transitory things, he indulges in corrupt pleasures.
Wandering lost in countless incarnations, he is exhausted. Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Embodiment of Mercy. ||61||
O tongue, you love to enjoy the sweet delicacies.
You are dead to the Truth, and involved in great disputes. Instead, repeat the holy words:
Gobind, Daamodar, Maadhav. ||62||
Those who are proud, and intoxicated with the pleasures of sex,
and asserting their power over others,
never contemplate the Lord's Lotus Feet. Their lives are cursed, and as worthless as straw.
You are as tiny and insignificant as an ant, but you shall become great, by the Wealth of the Lord's Meditation.
Nanak bows in humble worship, countless times, over and over again. ||63||
The blade of grass becomes a mountain, and the barren land becomes green.
The drowning one swims across, and the empty is filled to overflowing.
Millions of suns illuminate the darkness,
prays Nanak, when the Guru, the Lord, becomes Merciful. ||64||