O Lord of the Universe, I am such a sinner!
God gave me body and soul, but I have not practiced loving devotional worship to Him. ||1||Pause||
Others' wealth, others' bodies, others' wives, others' slander and others' fights - I have not given them up.
For the sake of these, coming and going in reincarnation happens over and over again, and this story never ends. ||2||
That house, in which the Saints speak of the Lord - I have not visited it, even for an instant.
Drunkards, thieves, and evil-doers - I constantly dwell with them. ||3||
Sexual desire, anger, the wine of Maya, and envy - these are what I collect within myself.
Compassion, righteousness, and service to the Guru - these do not visit me, even in my dreams. ||4||
He is merciful to the meek, compassionate and benevolent, the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyer of fear.
Says Kabeer, please protect Your humble servant from disaster; O Lord, I serve only You. ||5||8||
Remembering Him in meditation, the door of liberation is found.
You shall go to heaven, and not return to this earth.
In the home of the Fearless Lord, the celestial trumpets resound.
The unstruck sound current will vibrate and resonate forever. ||1||
Practice such meditative remembrance in your mind.
Without this meditative remembrance, liberation will never be found. ||1||Pause||
Remembering Him in meditation, you will meet with no obstruction.
You will be liberated, and the great load will be taken away.
Bow in humility within your heart,
and you will not have to be reincarnated over and over again. ||2||
Remember Him in meditation, celebrate and be happy.
God has placed His lamp deep within you, which burns without any oil.
That lamp makes the world immortal;
it conquers and drives out the poisons of sexual desire and anger. ||3||
Remembering Him in meditation, you shall obtain salvation.
Wear that meditative remembrance as your necklace.
Practice that meditative remembrance, and never let it go.
By Guru's Grace, you shall cross over. ||4||
Remembering Him in meditation, you shall not be obligated to others.
You shall sleep in your mansion, in blankets of silk.
Your soul shall blossom forth in happiness, on this comfortable bed.
So drink in this meditative remembrance, night and day. ||5||
Remembering Him in meditation, your troubles will depart.
Remembering Him in meditation, Maya will not bother you.
Meditate, meditate in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har, and sing His Praises in your mind.
while standing up and sitting down, with every breath and morsel of food.
The Lord's meditative remembrance is obtained by good destiny. ||7||
Remembering Him in meditation, you shall not be loaded down.
Make this meditative remembrance of the Lord's Name your Support.
Says Kabeer, He has no limits;
no tantras or mantras can be used against Him. ||8||9||
Raamkalee, Second House, The Word Of Kabeer Jee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Maya, the Trapper, has sprung her trap.
The Guru, the Liberated One, has put out the fire.