Night and day, his doubts never stop; without the Word of the Shabad, he suffers in pain.
Sexual desire, anger and greed are so powerful within him; he passes his life constantly entangled in worldly affairs.
His feet, hands, eyes and ears are exhausted; his days are numbered, and his death is immanent.
The True Name does not seem sweet to him - the Name by which the nine treasures are obtained.
But if he remains dead while yet alive, then by so dying, he truly lives; thus, he attains liberation.
But if he is not blessed with such pre-ordained karma, then without this karma, what can he obtain?
Meditate in remembrance on the Word of the Guru's Shabad, you fool; through the Shabad, you shall obtain salvation and wisdom.
O Nanak, he alone finds the True Guru, who eliminates self-conceit from within. ||2||
One whose consciousness is filled with my Lord Master - why should he feel anxious about anything?
The Lord is the Giver of Peace, the Lord of all things; why would we turn our faces away from His meditation, even for a moment, or an instant?
One who meditates on the Lord obtains all pleasures and comforts; let us go each and every day, to sit in the Saints' Society.
All the pain, hunger, and disease of the Lord's servant are eradicated; the bonds of the humble beings are torn away.
By the Lord's Grace, one becomes the Lord's devotee; beholding the face of the Lord's humble devotee, the whole world is saved and carried across. ||4||
Salok, Third Mehl:
Let that tongue, which has not tasted the Name of the Lord, be burnt.
O Nanak, one whose mind is filled with the Name of the Lord, Har, Har - his tongue savors the Word of the Shabad. ||1||
Third Mehl:
Let that tongue, which has forgotten the Name of the Lord, be burnt.
O Nanak, the tongue of the Gurmukh chants the Lord's Name, and loves the Name of the Lord. ||2||
The Lord Himself is the Master, the servant and the devotee; the Lord Himself is the Cause of causes.
The Lord Himself beholds, and He Himself rejoices. As He wills, so does He enjoin us.
The Lord places some on the Path, and the Lord leads others into the wilderness.
The Lord is the True Master; True is His justice. He arranges and beholds all His plays.
By Guru's Grace, servant Nanak speaks and sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord. ||5||
Salok, Third Mehl:
How rare is the dervish, the Saintly renunciate, who understands renunciation.
Cursed is the life, and cursed are the clothes, of one who wanders around, begging from door to door.
But, if he abandons hope and anxiety, and as Gurmukh receives the Name as his charity,
then Nanak washes his feet, and is a sacrifice to him. ||1||
Third Mehl:
O Nanak, the tree has one fruit, but two birds are perched upon it.
They are not seen coming or going; these birds have no wings.
One enjoys so many pleasures, while the other, through the Word of the Shabad, remains in Nirvaanaa.
Imbued with the subtle essence of the fruit of the Lord's Name, O Nanak, the soul bears the True Insignia of God's Grace. ||2||
He Himself is the field, and He Himself is the farmer. He Himself grows and grinds the corn.
He Himself cooks it, He Himself puts the food in the dishes, and He Himself sits down to eat.