The Sannyaasee smears his body with ashes;
renouncing other men's women, he practices celibacy.
I am just a fool, Lord; I place my hopes in You! ||2||
The Kh'shaatriya acts bravely, and is recognized as a warrior.
The Shoodra and the Vaisha work and slave for others;
I am just a fool - I am saved by the Lord's Name. ||3||
The entire Universe is Yours; You Yourself permeate and pervade it.
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are blessed with glorious greatness.
I am blind - I have taken the Lord as my Support. ||4||1||39||
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fourth Mehl:
The Speech of the Lord is the most sublime speech, free of any attributes.
Vibrate on it, meditate on it, and join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Cross over the terrifying world-ocean, listening to the Unspoken Speech of the Lord. ||1||
O Lord of the Universe, unite me with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.
My tongue savors the sublime essence of the Lord, singing the Lord's Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause||
Those humble beings who meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har
please make me the slave of their slaves, Lord.
Serving Your slaves is the ultimate good deed. ||2||
One who chants the Speech of the Lord
that humble servant is pleasing to my conscious mind.
Those who are blessed with great good fortune obtain the dust of the feet of the humble. ||3||
Those who are blessed with such pre-ordained destiny
Are in love with the humble Saints.
Those humble beings, O Nanak, are absorbed in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||2||40||
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fourth Mehl:
The mother loves to see her son eat.
The fish loves to bathe in the water.
The True Guru loves to place food in the mouth of His GurSikh. ||1||
If only I could meet those humble servants of the Lord, O my Beloved.
Meeting with them, my sorrows depart. ||1||Pause||
As the cow shows her love to her strayed calf when she finds it,
and as the bride shows her love for her husband when he returns home,
so does the Lord's humble servant love to sing the Praises of the Lord. ||2||
The rainbird loves the rainwater, falling in torrents;
the king loves to see his wealth on display.
The humble servant of the Lord loves to meditate on the Formless Lord. ||3||
The mortal man loves to accumulate wealth and property.
The GurSikh loves to meet and embrace the Guru.
Servant Nanak loves to kiss the feet of the Holy. ||4||3||41||
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fourth Mehl:
The beggar loves to receive charity from the wealthy landlord.
The hungry person loves to eat food.
The GurSikh loves to find satisfaction by meeting the Guru. ||1||
O Lord, grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; I place my hopes in You, Lord.
Shower me with Your Mercy, and fulfill my longing. ||1||Pause||
The song-bird loves the sun shining in her face.
Meeting her Beloved, all her pains are left behind.
The GurSikh loves to gaze upon the Face of the Guru. ||2||
The calf loves to suck its mother's milk;
its heart blossoms forth upon seeing its mother.
The GurSikh loves to gaze upon the Face of the Guru. ||3||
All other loves and emotional attachment to Maya are false.
They shall pass away, like false and transitory decorations.
Servant Nanak is fulfilled, through the Love of the True Guru. ||4||4||42||