If, at any time, he grabs and binds me, even then, I cannot protest. ||1||
I am bound by virtue; I am the Life of all. My slaves are my very life.
Says Naam Dayv, as is the quality of his soul, so is my love which illuminates him. ||2||3||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
So what have you accomplished by listening to the Puraanas?
Faithful devotion has not welled up within you, and you have not been inspired to give to the hungry. ||1||Pause||
You have not forgotten sexual desire, and you have not forgotten anger; greed has not left you either.
Your mouth has not stopped slandering and gossiping about others. Your service is useless and fruitless. ||1||
By breaking into the houses of others and robbing them, you fill your belly, you sinner.
But when you go to the world beyond, your guilt will be well known, by the acts of ignorance which you committed. ||2||
Cruelty has not left your mind; you have not cherished kindness for other living beings.
Parmaanand has joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Why have you not followed the sacred teachings? ||3||1||6||
O mind, do not even associate with those who have turned their backs on the Lord.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl, Sur Daas:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The people of the Lord dwell with the Lord.
They dedicate their minds and bodies to Him; they dedicate everything to Him. They are intoxicated with the celestial melody of intuitive ecstasy. ||1||Pause||
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, they are cleansed of corruption. They obtain absolutely everything.
They have nothing to do with anything else; they gaze on the beauteous Face of God. ||1||
But one who forsakes the elegantly beautiful Lord, and harbors desire for anything else, is like a leech on the body of a leper.
Says Sur Daas, God has taken my mind in His Hands. He has blessed me with the world beyond. ||2||1||8||
Saarang, Kabeer Jee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Other than the Lord, who is the Help and Support of the mind?
Love and attachment to mother, father, sibling, child and spouse, is all just an illusion. ||1||Pause||
So build a raft to the world hereafter; what faith do you place in wealth?
What confidence do you place in this fragile vessel; it breaks with the slightest stroke. ||1||
You shall obtain the rewards of all righteousness and goodness, if you desire to be the dust of all.
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: this mind is like the bird, flying above the forest. ||2||1||9||