I am Your beautiful bride, Your servant and slave. I have no nobility without my Husband Lord. ||1||
When my Lord and Master listened to my prayer, He hurried to shower me with His Mercy.
Says Nanak, I have become just like my Husband Lord; I am blessed with honor, nobility and the lifestyle of goodness. ||2||3||7||
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:
Meditate on the True Name of your Beloved.
The pains and sorrows of the terrifying world-ocean are dispelled, by enshrining the Image of the Guru within your heart. ||1||Pause||
Your enemies shall be destroyed, and all the evil-doers shall perish, when you come to the Sanctuary of the Lord.
The Savior Lord has given me His Hand and saved me; I have obtained the wealth of the Naam. ||1||
Granting His Grace, He has eradicated all my sins; He has placed the Immaculate Naam within my mind.
O Nanak, the Treasure of Virtue fills my mind; I shall never again suffer in pain. ||2||4||8||
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:
My Beloved God is the Lover of my breath of life.
Please bless me with the loving devotional worship of the Naam, O Kind and Compassionate Lord. ||1||Pause||
I meditate in remembrance on Your Feet, O my Beloved; my heart is filled with hope.
I offer my prayer to the humble Saints; my mind thirsts for the Blssed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||1||
Separation is death, and Union with the Lord is life. Please bless Your humble servant with Your Darshan.
O my God, please be Merciful, and bless Nanak with the support, the life and wealth of the Naam. ||2||5||9||
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:
Now, I have become just like my Beloved.
Dwelling on my Sovereign Lord King, I have found peace. Rain down, O peace-giving cloud. ||1||Pause||
I cannot forget Him, even for an instant; He is the Ocean of peace. Through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I have obtained the nine treasures.
My perfect destiny has been activated, meeting with the Saints, my help and support. ||1||
Peace has welled up, and all pain has been dispelled, lovingly attuned to the Supreme Lord God.
The arduous and terrifying world-ocean is crossed over, O Nanak, by meditating on the Feet of the Lord. ||2||6||10||
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:
The clouds have rained down all over the world.
My Beloved Lord God has become merciful to me; I am blessed with ecstasy, bliss and peace. ||1||Pause||
My sorrows are erased, and all my thirsts are quenched, meditating on the Supreme Lord God.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, death and birth come to an end, and the mortal does not wander anywhere, ever again. ||1||
My mind and body are imbued with the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord; I am lovingly attuned to His Lotus Feet.
God has made Nanak His Own; slave Nanak seeks His Sanctuary. ||2||7||11||
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:
Separated from the Lord, how can any living being live?
My consciousness is filled with yearning and hope to meet my Lord, and drink in the sublime essence of His Lotus Feet. ||1||Pause||
Those who are thirsty for You, O my Beloved, are not separated from You.
Those who forget my Beloved Lord are dead and dying. ||1||