Each and every breath of the Lord's humble servant is pierced through with love of the Lord God.
As the lotus is totally in love with the water and withers away without seeing the water, so am I in love with the Lord. ||2||
The Lord's humble servant chants the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord; through the Guru's Teachings, the Lord reveals Himself.
The filth of egotism which stained me for countless lifetimes has been washed away, by the Ambrosial Water of the Ocean of the Lord. ||3||
Please, do not take my karma into account, O my Lord and Master; please save the honor of Your slave.
O Lord, if it pleases You, hear my prayer; servant Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary. ||4||3||5||
Basant Hindol, Fourth Mehl:
Each and every moment, my mind roams and rambles, and runs all over the place. It does not stay in its own home, even for an instant.
But when the bridle of the Shabad, the Word of God, is placed over its head, it returns to dwell in its own home. ||1||
O Dear Lord of the Universe, lead me to join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, so that I may meditate on You, Lord.
I am cured of the disease of egotism, and I have found peace; I have intuitively entered into the state of Samaadhi. ||1||Pause||
This house is loaded with countless gems, jewels, rubies and emeralds, but the wandering mind cannot find them.
As the water-diviner finds the hidden water, and the well is then dug in an instant, so do we find the object of the Name through the True Guru. ||2||
Those who do not find such a Holy True Guru - cursed, cursed are the lives of those people.
The treasure of this human life is obtained when one's virtues bear fruit, but it is lost in exchange for a mere shell. ||3||
O Lord God, please be merciful to me; be merciful, and lead me to meet the Guru.
Servant Nanak has attained the state of Nirvaanaa; meeting with the Holy people, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||4||6||
Basant Hindol, Fourth Mehl:
Coming and going, he suffers the pains of vice and corruption; the body of the self-willed manmukh is desolate and vacant.
He does not dwell on the Lord's Name, even for an instant, and so the Messenger of Death seizes him by his hair. ||1||
O Dear Lord of the Universe, please rid me of the poison of egotism and attachment.
The Sat Sangat, Guru's True Congregation is so dear to the Lord. So join the Sangat, and taste the sublime essence of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
Please be kind to me, and unite me with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation of the Holy; I seek the Sanctuary of the Holy.
I am a heavy stone, sinking down - please lift me up and pull me out! O God, Merciful to the meek, You are the Destroyer of sorrow. ||2||
I enshrine the Praises of my Lord and Master within my heart; joining the Sat Sangat, my intellect is enlightened.
I have fallen in love with the Lord's Name; I am a sacrifice to the Lord. ||3||
O Lord God, please fulfill the desires of Your humble servant; please bless me with Your Name, O Lord.
Servant Nanak's mind and body are filled with ecstasy; the Guru has blessed him with the Mantra of the Lord's Name. ||4||5||7||12||18||7||37||