My mind and body are so thirsty for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. Won't someone please come and lead me to him, O my mother.
The Saints are the helpers of the Lord's lovers; I fall and touch their feet.
Without God, how can I find peace? There is nowhere else to go.
Those who have tasted the sublime essence of His Love, remain satisfied and fulfilled.
They renounce their selfishness and conceit, and they pray, "God, please attach me to the hem of Your robe."
Those whom the Husband Lord has united with Himself, shall not be separated from Him again.
Without God, there is no other at all. Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of the Lord.
In Assu, the Lord, the Sovereign King, has granted His Mercy, and they dwell in peace. ||8||
In the month of Katak, do good deeds. Do not try to blame anyone else.
Forgetting the Transcendent Lord, all sorts of illnesses are contracted.
Those who turn their backs on the Lord shall be separated from Him and consigned to reincarnation, over and over again.
In an instant, all of Maya's sensual pleasures turn bitter.
No one can then serve as your intermediary. Unto whom can we turn and cry?
By one's own actions, nothing can be done; destiny was pre-determined from the very beginning.
By great good fortune, I meet my God, and then all pain of separation departs.
Please protect Nanak, God; O my Lord and Master, please release me from bondage.
In Katak, in the Company of the Holy, all anxiety vanishes. ||9||
In the month of Maghar, those who sit with their Beloved Husband Lord are beautiful.
How can their glory be measured? Their Lord and Master blends them with Himself.
Their bodies and minds blossom forth in the Lord; they have the companionship of the Holy Saints.
Those who lack the Company of the Holy, remain all alone.
Their pain never departs, and they fall into the grip of the Messenger of Death.
Those who have ravished and enjoyed their God, are seen to be continually exalted and uplifted.
They wear the Necklace of the jewels, emeralds and rubies of the Lord's Name.
Nanak seeks the dust of the feet of those who take to the Sanctuary of the Lord's Door.
Those who worship and adore God in Maghar, do not suffer the cycle of reincarnation ever again. ||10||
In the month of Poh, the cold does not touch those, whom the Husband Lord hugs close in His Embrace.
Their minds are transfixed by His Lotus Feet. They are attached to the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.
Seek the Protection of the Lord of the Universe; His service is truly profitable.
Corruption shall not touch you, when you join the Holy Saints and sing the Lord's Praises.
From where it originated, there the soul is blended again. It is absorbed in the Love of the True Lord.
When the Supreme Lord God grasps someone's hand, he shall never again suffer separation from Him.
I am a sacrifice, 100,000 times, to the Lord, my Friend, the Unapproachable and Unfathomable.
Please preserve my honor, Lord; Nanak begs at Your Door.
Poh is beautiful, and all comforts come to that one, whom the Carefree Lord has forgiven. ||11||
In the month of Maagh, let your cleansing bath be the dust of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Meditate and listen to the Name of the Lord, and give it to everyone.
In this way, the filth of lifetimes of karma shall be removed, and egotistical pride shall vanish from your mind.