Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he chants the Name of the Lord.
Night and day, he remains imbued with the Naam, day and night; he is rid of emotional attachment to Maya. ||8||
Serving the Guru, all things are obtained;
egotism, possessiveness and self-conceit are taken away.
The Lord, the Giver of peace Himself grants His Grace; He exalts and adorns with the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||9||
The Guru's Shabad is the Ambrosial Bani.
Night and day, chant the Name of the Lord.
That heart becomes immaculate, which is filled with the True Lord, Har, Har. ||10||
His servants serve, and praise His Shabad.
Imbued forever with the color of His Love, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
He Himself forgives, and unites them with the Shabad; the fragrance of sandalwood permeates their minds. ||11||
Through the Shabad, they speak the Unspoken, and praise the Lord.
My True Lord God is self-sufficient.
The Giver of virtue Himself unites them with the Shabad; they enjoy the sublime essence of the Shabad. ||12||
The confused, self-willed manmukhs find no place of rest.
They do those deeds which they are pre-destined to do.
Imbued with poison, they search out poison, and suffer the pains of death and rebirth. ||13||
He Himself praises Himself.
Your Glorious Virtues are within You alone, God.
You Yourself are True, and True is the Word of Your Bani. You Yourself are invisible and unknowable. ||14||
Without the Guru, the Giver, no one finds the Lord,
though one may make hundreds of thousands and millions of attempts.
By Guru's Grace, He dwells deep within the heart; through the Shabad, praise the True Lord. ||15||
They alone meet Him, whom the Lord unites with Himself.
They are adorned and exalted with the True Word of His Bani, and the Shabad.
Servant Nanak continually sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord; singing His Glories, he is immersed in the Glorious Lord of Virtue. ||16||4||13||
Maaroo, Third Mehl:
The One Lord is eternal and unchanging, forever True.
Through the Perfect Guru, this understanding is obtained.
Those who are drenched with the sublime essence of the Lord, meditate forever on Him; following the Guru's Teachings, they obtain the armor of humility. ||1||
Deep within, they love the True Lord forever.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they love the Lord's Name.
The Naam, the embodiment of the nine treasures, abides within their hearts; they renounce the profit of Maya. ||2||
Both the king and his subjects are involved in evil-mindedness and duality.
Without serving the True Guru, they do not become one with the Lord.
Those who meditate on the One Lord find eternal peace. Their power is eternal and unfailing. ||3||
No one can save them from coming and going.
Birth and death come from Him.
The Gurmukh meditates forever on the True Lord. Emancipation and liberation are obtained from Him. ||4||
Truth and self-control are found through the Door of the True Guru.
Egotism and anger are silenced through the Shabad.
Serving the True Guru, lasting peace is found; humility and contentment all come from Him. ||5||
Out of egotism and attachment, the Universe welled up.
Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, all the world perishes.
Without serving the True Guru, the Naam is not obtained. The Naam is the True profit in this world. ||6||
True is His Will, beauteous and pleasing through the Word of the Shabad.
The Panch Shabad, the five primal sounds, vibrate and resonate.