By Guru's Grace, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind; He cannot be obtained in any other way. ||1||
So gather in the wealth of the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny,
so that in this world and the next, the Lord shall be your friend and companion. ||1||Pause||
In the company of the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, you shall earn the wealth of the Lord; this wealth of the Lord is not obtained anywhere else, by any other means, at all.
The dealer in the Lord's Jewels purchases the wealth of the Lord's jewels; the dealer in cheap glass jewels cannot acquire the Lord's wealth by empty words. ||2||
The Lord's wealth is like jewels, gems and rubies. At the appointed time in the Amrit Vaylaa, the ambrosial hours of the morning, the Lord's devotees lovingly center their attention on the Lord, and the wealth of the Lord.
The devotees of the Lord plant the seed of the Lord's wealth in the ambrosial hours of the Amrit Vaylaa; they eat it, and spend it, but it is never exhausted. In this world and the next, the devotees are blessed with glorious greatness, the wealth of the Lord. ||3||
The wealth of the Fearless Lord is permanent, forever and ever, and true. This wealth of the Lord cannot be destroyed by fire or water; neither thieves nor the Messenger of Death can take it away.
Thieves cannot even approach the Lord's wealth; Death, the tax collector cannot tax it. ||4||
The faithless cynics commit sins and gather in their poisonous wealth, but it shall not go along with them for even a single step.
In this world, the faithless cynics become miserable, as it slips away through their hands. In the world hereafter, the faithless cynics find no shelter in the Court of the Lord. ||5||
The Lord Himself is the Banker of this wealth, O Saints; when the Lord gives it, the mortal loads it and takes it away.
This wealth of the Lord is never exhausted; the Guru has given this understanding to servant Nanak. ||6||3||10||
Soohee, Fourth Mehl:
That mortal, with whom the Lord is pleased, repeats the Glorious Praises of the Lord; he alone is a devotee, and he alone is approved.
How can his glory be described? Within his heart, the Primal Lord, the Lord God, abides. ||1||
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe; focus your meditation on the True Guru. ||1||Pause||
He is the True Guru - service to the True Guru is fruitful and rewarding. By this service, the greatest treasure is obtained.
The faithless cynics in their love of duality and sensual desires, harbor foul-smelling urges. They are totally useless and ignorant. ||2||
One who has faith - his singing is approved. He is honored in the Court of the Lord.
Those who lack faith may close their eyes, hypocritically pretending and faking devotion, but their false pretenses shall soon wear off. ||3||
My soul and body are totally Yours, Lord; You are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, my Primal Lord God.
So speaks servant Nanak, the slave of Your slaves; as You make me speak, so do I speak. ||4||4||11||