Give up all your clever tricks and devices,
and hold tight to the Feet of the Saints. ||2||
The One, who holds all creatures in His Hands,
is never separated from them; He is with them all.
Abandon your clever devices, and grasp hold of His Support.
In an instant, you shall be saved. ||3||
Know that He is always near at hand.
Accept the Order of God as True.
Through the Guru's Teachings, eradicate selfishness and conceit.
O Nanak, chant and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||4||73||
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:
The Guru's Word is eternal and everlasting.
The Guru's Word cuts away the noose of Death.
The Guru's Word is always with the soul.
Through the Guru's Word, one is immersed in the Love of the Lord. ||1||
Whatever the Guru gives, is useful to the mind.
Whatever the Saint does - accept that as True. ||1||Pause||
The Guru's Word is infallible and unchanging.
Through the Guru's Word, doubt and prejudice are dispelled.
The Guru's Word never goes away;
through the Guru's Word, we sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||
The Guru's Word accompanies the soul.
The Guru's Word is the Master of the masterless.
The Guru's Word saves one from falling into hell.
Through the Guru's Word, the tongue savors the Ambrosial Nectar. ||3||
The Guru's Word is revealed in the world.
Through the Guru's Word, no one suffers defeat.
O Nanak, the True Guru is always kind and compassionate,
Unto those whom the Lord Himself has blessed with His Mercy. ||4||5||74||
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:
He makes jewels out of the dust,
and He managed to preserve you in the womb.
He has given you fame and greatness;
meditate on that God, twenty-four hours a day. ||1||
O Lord, I seek the dust of the feet of the Holy.
Meeting the Guru, I meditate on my Lord and Master. ||1||Pause||
He transformed me, the fool, into a fine speaker,
and He made the unconscious become conscious;
by His Grace, I have obtained the nine treasures.
May I never forget that God from my mind. ||2||
He has given a home to the homeless;
He has given honor to the dishonored.
He has fulfilled all desires;
remember Him in meditation, day and night, with every breath and every morsel of food. ||3||
By His Grace, the bonds of Maya are cut away.
By Guru's Grace, the bitter poison has become Ambrosial Nectar.
Says Nanak, I cannot do anything;
I praise the Lord, the Protector. ||4||6||75||
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl:
In His Sanctuary, there is no fear or sorrow.
Without Him, nothing at all can be done.
I have renounced clever tricks, power and intellectual corruption.
God is the Protector of His servant. ||1||
Meditate, O my mind, on the Lord, Raam, Raam, with love.
Within your home, and beyond it, He is always with you. ||1||Pause||
Keep His Support in your mind.