The self-willed manmukhs waste away their lives, and die.
Serving the True Guru, doubt is driven away.
Deep within the home of the heart, one finds the Mansion of the True Lord's Presence. ||9||
Whatever the Perfect Lord does, that alone happens.
Concern with these omens and days leads only to duality.
Without the True Guru, there is only pitch darkness.
Only idiots and fools worry about these omens and days.
O Nanak, the Gurmukh obtains understanding and realization;
he remains forever merged in the Name of the One Lord. ||10||2||
Bilaaval, First Mehl, Chhant, Dakhnee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The young, innocent soul-bride has come to the pasture lands of the world.
Laying aside her pitcher of worldly concern, she lovingly attunes herself to her Lord.
She remains lovingly absorbed in the pasture of the Lord, automatically embellished with the Word of the Shabad.
With her palms pressed together, she prays to the Guru, to unite her with her True Beloved Lord.
Seeing His bride's loving devotion, the Beloved Lord eradicates unfulfilled sexual desire and unresolved anger.
O Nanak, the young, innocent bride is so beautiful; seeing her Husband Lord, she is comforted. ||1||
Truthfully, O young soul-bride, your youth keeps you innocent.
Do not come and go anywhere; stay with your Husband Lord.
I will stay with my Husband Lord; I am His hand-maiden. Devotional worship to the Lord is pleasing to me.
I know the unknowable, and speak the unspoken; I sing the Glorious Praises of the Celestial Lord God.
She who chants and savors the taste of the Lord's Name is loved by the True Lord.
The Guru grants her the gift of the Shabad; O Nanak, she contemplates and reflects upon it. ||2||
She who is fascinated by the Supreme Lord, sleeps with her Husband Lord.
She walks in harmony with the Guru's Will, attuned to the Lord.
The soul-bride is attuned to the Truth, and sleeps with the Lord, along with her companions and sister soul-brides.
Loving the One Lord, with one-pointed mind, the Naam dwells within; I am united with the True Guru.
Day and night, with each and every breath, I do not forget the Immaculate Lord, for a moment, even for an instant.
So light the lamp of the Shabad, O Nanak, and burn away your fear. ||3||
O soul-bride, the Lord's Light pervades all the three worlds.
He is pervading each and every heart, the Invisible and Infinite Lord.
He is Invisible and Infinite, Infinite and True; subduing his self-conceit, one meets Him.
So burn away your egotistical pride, attachment and greed, with the Word of the Shabad; wash away your filth.
When you go to the Lord's Door, you shall receive the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; by His Will, the Savior will carry you across and save you.
Tasting the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Name, the soul-bride is satisfied; O Nanak, she enshrines Him in her heart. ||4||1||
Bilaaval, First Mehl:
My mind is filled with such a great joy; I have blossomed forth in Truth.
I am enticed by the love of my Husband Lord, the Eternal, Imperishable Lord God.
The Lord is everlasting, the Master of masters. Whatever He wills, happens.
O Great Giver, You are always kind and compassionate. You infuse life into all living beings.