The One Name abides deep within my heart; such is the glorious greatness of the Perfect Lord. ||1||Pause||
He Himself is the Creator, and He Himself is the Enjoyer. He Himself gives sustenance to all. ||2||
Whatever He wants to do, He is doing; no one else can do anything. ||3||
He Himself fashions and creates the creation; He links each and every person to their task. ||4||
If you serve Him, then you will find peace; the True Guru will unite you in His Union. ||5||
The Lord Himself creates Himself; the Unseen Lord cannot be seen. ||6||
He Himself kills, and brings back to life; He does not have even an iota of greed. ||7||
Some are made givers, and some are made beggars; He Himself inspires us to devotional worship. ||8||
Those who know the One Lord are very fortunate; they remain absorbed in the True Lord. ||9||
He Himself is beautiful, He Himself is wise and clever; His worth cannot be expressed. ||10||
He Himself infuses pain and pleasure; He Himself makes them wander around in doubt. ||11||
The Great Giver is revealed to the Gurmukh; without the Guru, the world wanders in darkness. ||12||
Those who taste, enjoy the flavor; the True Guru imparts this understanding. ||13||
Some, the Lord causes to forget and lose the Name; others become Gurmukh, and are granted this understanding. ||14||
Forever and ever, praise the Lord, O Saints; how glorious is His greatness! ||15||
There is no other King except Him; He administers justice, as He has made it. ||16||
His justice is always True; how rare are those who accept His Command. ||17||
O mortal, meditate forever on the Lord, who has made the Gurmukh in His making. ||18||
That humble being who meets with the True Guru is fulfilled; the Naam abides in his heart. ||19||
The True Lord is Himself forever True; He announces His Bani, the Word of His Shabad. ||20||
Nanak is wonderstruck, hearing and seeing His Lord; my God is all-pervading, everywhere. ||21||5||14||
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl, Ashtpadheeyaa:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Some make a big show of their worldly influence.
Some make a big show of devotional worship.
Some practice inner cleansing teahniques, and control the breath through Kundalini Yoga.
I am meek; I worship and adore the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||
I place my faith in You alone, O Beloved Lord.
I do not know any other way. ||1||Pause||
Some abandon their homes, and live in the forests.
Some put themselves on silence, and call themselves hermits.
Some claim that they are devotees of the One Lord alone.
I am meek; I seek the shelter and support of the Lord, Har, Har. ||2||
Some say that they live at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.
Some refuse food and become Udaasis, shaven-headed renunciates.
Some have wandered all across the earth.
I am meek; I have fallen at the door of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||
Some say that they belong to great and noble families.