Children, wives, homes, and all possessions - attachment to all of these is false. ||1||
O mind, why do you burst out laughing?
See with your eyes, that these things are only mirages. So earn the profit of meditation on the One Lord. ||1||Pause||
It is like the clothes which you wear on your body - they wear off in a few days.
How long can you run upon a wall? Ultimately, you come to its end. ||2||
It is like salt, preserved in its container; when it is put into water, it dissolves.
When the Order of the Supreme Lord God comes, the soul arises, and departs in an instant. ||3||
O mind, your steps are numbered, your moments spent sitting are numbered, and the breaths you are to take are numbered.
Sing forever the Praises of the Lord, O Nanak, and you shall be saved, under the Shelter of the Feet of the True Guru. ||4||1||123||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
That which was upside-down has been set upright; the deadly enemies and adversaries have become friends.
In the darkness, the jewel shines forth, and the impure understanding has become pure. ||1||
When the Lord of the Universe became merciful,
I found peace, wealth and the fruit of the Lord's Name; I have met the True Guru. ||1||Pause||
No one knew me, the miserable miser, but now, I have become famous all over the world.
Before, no one would even sit with me, but now, all worship my feet. ||2||
I used to wander in search of pennies, but now, all the desires of my mind are satisfied.
I could not bear even one criticism, but now, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I am cooled and soothed. ||3||
What Glorious Virtues of the Inaccessible, Unfathomable, Profound Lord can one mere tongue describe?
Please, make me the slave of the slave of Your slaves; servant Nanak seeks the Lord's Sanctuary. ||4||2||124||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
O fool, you are so slow to earn your profits, and so quick to run up losses.
You do not purchase the inexpensive merchandise; O sinner, you are tied to your debts. ||1||
O True Guru, You are my only hope.
Your Name is the Purifier of sinners, O Supreme Lord God; You are my only Shelter. ||1||Pause||
Listening to the evil talk, you are caught up in it, but you are hesitant to chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
You are delighted by slanderous talk; your understanding is corrupt. ||2||
Others' wealth, others' wives and the slander of others - eating the uneatable, you have gone crazy.
You have not enshrined love for the True Faith of Dharma; hearing the Truth, you are enraged. ||3||
O God, Merciful to the meek, Compassionate Lord Master, Your Name is the Support of Your devotees.
Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary; O God, make him Your Own, and preserve his honor. ||4||3||125||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
They are attached to falsehood; clinging to the transitory, they are trapped in emotional attachment to Maya.
Wherever they go, they do not think of the Lord; they are blinded by intellectual egotism. ||1||
O mind, O renunciate, why don't you adore Him?
You dwell in that flimsy chamber, with all the sins of corruption. ||1||Pause||
Crying out, "Mine, mine", your days and nights pass away; moment by moment, your life is running out.